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Test on Temperament

  1. You are restless and fussy.

  2. You are sharp with people.

  3. You are stubborn.

  4. You work by jerks.

  5. You are inclined to risk.

  6. You can’t call yourself a tease.

  7. You can’t stand the drawbacks of other people.

  8. You are easily bored with routine.

  9. You are inclined to make jerky, abrupt, impulsive movements.

  10. You are always persistent in achieving your goals.

  11. You are not very sensitive to failures and misfortunes.

  12. You are sociable and helpful.

  13. You are full of energy.

  14. You can absorb the new information easily.

  15. You are too curious.

  16. You can easily switch over to different types of activity.

  17. In a difficult situation you keep your head and don’t panic.

  18. You don’t like obligatory work.

  19. You can easily remember different kinds of information not connected to each other.

  20. You are inclined first to act and then think about the consequences.

  21. You don’t feеl sure of yourself in an unfamiliar situation.

  22. You don’t easily make friends.

  23. Little misfortunes depress you.

  24. You are too emotional.

  25. You tend to adopt people you are in contact with.

  26. You are suspicious.

  27. You are sensitive to any kind of criticism or praise.

  28. You are reserved and like to keep yourself to yourself.

  29. You don’t leave a problem until you think it over completely.

  30. You are inclined to make people pity you.

  31. You are very consistent and logical in all your actions.

  32. You have the patience to wait for events to come.

  33. You never lose your composure.

  34. You always stick to your plan or working time table.

  35. You can restrain yourself easily when you feel strong emotions.

  36. You have equal attitude towards positive and negative things in your life.

  37. Having decided to do something, you are slow to fulfil it.

  38. You are inclined to judge people by their business qualities rather than by their emotional characteristics.

  39. You always express your opinion.

  40. You are a very flexible person.

Answer key


The first ten characteristics are those of a melancholic person.

A melancholic person is a little pessimistic and reserved. He is prone to suffer long after troubles. He is anxious and can often feel lonely without any cause. He is prone to think and reason.


These are the characteristics of a choleric person.

He is sensitive, impulsive, active, energetic, often worried but optimistic. His mood changes very often. He wants to be a leader in any company. He likes animation and fuss around him. He is very hardworking. He always wants people to agree with his opinion.


These are the characteristics of a phlegmatic.

He is a very reasonable and careful person. He is even-tempered. He tends to plan his life thoroughly. He is peace-loving and well-wishing. He prefers to do serious work alone. He doesn’t express his attitude to people openly.


These are the characteristics of a sanguine.

He is usually cheerful and talkative. His mood changes very often. He doesn’t suffer long after troubles. He can make friends easily. He often says the first thing that comes to his mind. He needs to talk to a friend when he is excited. He is a person of ready sympathy.

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