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Spoken Etiquette Likes, dislikes and preferences

I particularly like

Мне особенно нравится

I really love

Мне действительно нравится

Im quite keen on

Мне нравится

I adore

Я обожаю

I’m not very fond of

Мне не очень нравится

I cant stand

Яне выношу

I’m not at all keen on

Мне совсем не нравится

I’m afraid it’s not my cup of tea.

Боюсь, что это мне не по душе.

It’s a difficult choice, but on the whole I prefer

Трудно выбрать, но, в целом, я предпочитаю

Id rather

Я бы лучше

Given the choice, Id

Если бы у меня был выбор, я бы

If I had to choose, I’d opt for

Если бы мне пришлось выбирать, я бы предпочел

What would you say?

  • Speak about free time activities you like and dislike, using the phrases above.

  • Make up short dialogues discussing your plans for the weekend.


Moscow is the capital of Russia, its administrative, economic, political andeducational centre.

It is one of Russia’s major citieswith the population of about 9 million people. It’stotal areais about 900 thousand square kilometres.

The city was founded by PrinceYuri Dolgoruky andwas first mentioned in the chroniclesin 1147. At that time it was a small frontier settlement. By the 15thcentury Moscowhad grown into a wealthy city.

In the 16thcentury,under Ivan the Terrible, Moscow became the capital of the state of Muscovy. In the 18thcentury Peter the Greattransferred the capital toSt. Petersburg, but Moscowremained the heart of Russia. That is why it becamethe main target of Napoleon’s attackin 1812. During the war of 1812 three quarters of the citywere destroyed by fire, but by the middle of the 19thcentury Moscowwas completely rebuilt.

Present-day Moscow is the seat of the governmentof the Russian Federation. President of Russia lives and works here;government offices are locatedhere, too.

Moscow is a major industrial city. Its leading industriesareengineering,chemicalandlight industries.

Moscow is known for its many historical buildings, museums and art galleries, as well as for the famous Bolshoi, Maly and Art theatres. There are more than 80 museums in Moscow, among them the unique Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Andrey Rublyov Museum of Early Russian Art and many others.

Moscow is a city of science and learning. There are over 80higher education institutionsin the city, including a number of universities.

Topical Vocabulary

an administrative, economic, political and educational centre

административный, экономический, политический центр, центр образования

a major city

крупный город

total area

общая площадь

to be founded by smb.

быть основанным кем-либо

a prince


to be first mentioned in the chronicles

быть впервые упомянутым в летописях

to grow into a wealthy city

превратиться в процветающий город

under Ivan the Terrible

при Иване Грозном

to transfer the capital to

перенести столицу в какой-либо город

to remain the heart of Russia

остаться сердцем России

to become the main target of Napoleon’s attack

стать главной целью нападения Наполеона

to be destroyed by fire

быть разрушенным пожаром

to be completely rebuilt

быть полностью отстроенным

present-day Moscow

современная Москва

the seat of the government

местонахождение правительства

a government office

правительственное учреждение

to be located

быть расположенным

the leading industry

ведущая отрасль промышленности



chemical industry

химическая промышленность

light industry

легкая промышленность



a city of science and learning

город науки и образования

a higher education institution


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