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Enjoy Learning English.doc
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Spoken Etiquette Offering food Formal

Will you have more fruit?

Не хотите ли еще фруктов?

Would you care for another pastry?

Не хотите ли еще одно печенье?

Help yourself to a glass of juice.

Угощайтесь соком.

Can I offer you another cup of tea?

Могу я предложить Вам еще одну чашечку чая?

That would be nice (lovely)

Было бы очень мило.

Thank you very much indeed.

Большое спасибо.

Yes, please.

Да, пожалуйста.

No, thanks. I think that’s enough.

Спасибо. Мне достаточно.

Thank you, I’ve just had one.

Спасибо. Я только что съел одно.


Would you like a cup of coffee?

Не хочешь чашечку кофе?

How about another helping of salad?

Как насчет добавки салата?

Have an ice-cream.

Съешь мороженное.

Take some more salad.

Возьми еще салата.

Do have something to eat!

Съешь что-нибудь.

Yes, please.

Да, пожалуйста.

I’d love to / I’d love one.

С удовольствием.

No, thanks.

Спасибо, я не хочу.

In a Restaurant

W – waiter, G – guest

W: Good evening.

G: Good evening. A table for two, please.

W: This way, please.

W: Would you like to have a look at the menu?

G: Yes, please. Could we have something to drink first?

W: Certainly. What would you like?

G: Two glasses of red wine, please.

W: I’ll be back to take your order in a moment.

W: Are you ready to order?

G: Yes, we’ll have cheese salad and omelette, and steak and chips, please.

W: How would you like your steak done, Sir?

G: Medium rare, please. And could we have some French bread and a bottle of mineral water, please.

W: Anything else?

G: No, that’s all for now, thank you.

G: Could we have the bill, please?

What would you say?

  1. Rewrite the following dialogue with more appropriate language.

W: Did you phone us?

G1: Yes, there are two of us, the name is Jones.

W: Go and sit over there by the window.


W: Haven’t you decided yet?

G1: No, we are not ready. Go away and get us some drinks.

W: What sort?

G1: Two gin and tonics.

W: Right.

G2: Oh! Come here!

W: What do you want?

G2: Give me the tomato salad and then the lamb.

W: OK. And you?

G1: Don’t give me a starter. I just want the grilled salmon steak.

W: What do you want with it?

G1: A side salad. Oh, and get us some red wine and mineral water.

W: Do you want coffee now?

G2: Yes, two. Black. And bring us the bill.

W: Yeah, OK.

  1. Match these questions with an appropriate response:

Who’s the fish?

And to drink?

Did you have a reservation? Is everything OK?

Anything else?

Smoking or non-smoking? Would you like dressing on that?

Yes, thanks.

Over there.

“Non”, please.

No, that’s everything.

Just some olive oil, please.

A bottle of red wine, please. Yes, under “Jones”.

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