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Topical Vocabulary

to go (do) shopping

делать покупки

at the baker’s

в булочной




булочки, плюшки



at the grocer’s

у бакалейщика

at the greengrocer’s

у зеленщика




наклейка, этикетка


ярлык с обозначением цены, ценник



department store




I. Answer the questions:

  1. Who does the shopping in your family?

  2. How often do you go shopping?

  3. Do you like to go to small shops or to big department stores and supermarkets?

  4. Some people are fond of window-shopping (разглядывание витрин). Can you say that you belong to such people?

  5. When did you last go shopping?

Spoken Etiquette

Offering Help


May I help you with your books?

If you’re sure it’s not much trouble. / Please don’t bother.

Is there anything I can do for you?

Yes, please. I need to find…/ No, it’s quite all right, thank you.


I’ll buy this book for you if you like.

Do, please. / No, thanks.

Can you manage?

I’m afraid I can’t. / Thanks, I think I can.

Do you need my help?

Yes, please. / No, that’s all right.

Shall I turn on the TV?

Do, please. / No, thanks.

Let me open the door for you.

Please, do. / That’s all right, I’ll manage it.

What would you say?

  • Your mother is very busy. Offer to do the washing up.

  • Your friend is going to the airport tomorrow morning. Offer to give him a lift in your car.

  • Your teacher needs the group register. Offer to fetch it from the dean’s office.

  • Your fellow student doesn’t understand a difficult grammar rule. Offer your help.

Read the dialogue and complete it with the phrases below. Then make up a similar dialogue with your partner.

Here you are. Certainly. Let me show you another one.

Do you have them in a smaller size? Can I try it on?

Good morning. Can I help you?

No, thanks. I’m just looking.

Excuse me, can I have a look at this dress?

Do you have them in a different colour?

No, only black.

Of course, the fitting room is over there on the left.


How are you getting on?

I’m afraid it’s not my size. Oh, yes. Shall I bring one?

Yes, please.


This one fits well. I’ll take it.

Very well. Anything else?

Yes, please. Could you show me that handbag, please?

Here you are.

Oh, no. It’s too big.

No, thank you.


I am a theatre lover. As for me, I prefer drama to all other theatres, but I like opera and musical comedy, too. I don’t go to the theatres very often. When I decide to visit a theatre I usually book tickets beforehand. The best seats in the theatre are in the stalls, in the dress circle, and the upper circle. Boxes, of course, are the most expensive. I like to sit in the dress circle, because we can see the stage very well from there, besides, the tickets are not very expensive. I like to see both classic and modern plays by Russian and foreign playwrights. I saw, for example, “The Cherry Orchard”, “The Three Sisters” by Chekhov, and several dramas by Ostrovsky. Several years ago I saw “Othello” and “Hamlet” by Shakespeare. I liked the plays very much. I remember when we came to the theatre to see “Hamlet” we saw a sign at the entrance saying “House Full”. Many people were standing at the theatre asking for an extra ticket. We left our coats in the cloak-room and bought a program from the usher. We wanted to know what the cast was. In the hall boxes, dress circles and balconies were overcrowded. The actors played very well. We liked the performance; it was a great success with the public.

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