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Enjoy Learning English.doc
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II. Translate into English.

  1. Свежий воздух очень важен для хорошего здоровья, как и абсолютная чистота.

  2. У меня был сильный кашель и поднялась температура.

  3. Доктор посоветовал мне оставаться в постели неделю, чтобы избежать осложнений после болезни.

III. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words.

  1. Every room in the house, especially … should be … cleaned.

  2. Plenty of food rich in … is … for our health.

  3. It is a matter of … not only for doctors but for the whole society.

  4. My mother … the polyclinic and made an … with the doctor.

  5. The doctor gave me a … and said that I was as … as a … .


Match the health problems with the correct specialist. With a partner add other specialists and health problems to the list.

Physicians–Health Problems

  1. General practitioner

  1. 1. You have a heart condition

  1. Surgeon

  1. 2. You have a sick baby

  1. Cardiologist

  1. 3. You have acute appendicitis

  1. Pediatrician

  1. 4. You can’t see well

  1. Psychiatrist

  1. 5. You need a blood test

  1. Hematologist

  1. 6. You have a skin problem

  1. Ophthalmologist

  1. 7. You sneeze a lot

  1. Radiologist

  1. 8. You are sad and depressed

  1. Dermatologist

  1. 9. You need an X-ray

  1. Allergist

  1. 10. You don’t feel well anymore

V. Fill in the gaps with the best alternative.

  1. If you are overweight, you’d better go on a ………..

bus holiday diet cure

  1. You didn’t want to go to the party because you had a terrible …….

disease headache infection nostalgia

  1. Your mother sent you to bed because you had a high …..

fever blood pressure cough temperature

  1. You are less likely to become ill if you are ………..

in good shape running physically fit hygienic

  1. Doctors say that drinking alcohol and smoking can ……. your health.

affect improve ruin wound

  1. If you want antibiotics, you’ll have to ask the doctor for a …….

medicine receipt recipe prescription

  1. If you’ve caught a bad cold, it’s no wonder you’re ………..

out of shape under the weather fit as a fiddle

in pick condition

VI. Imagine you are having a group discussion on the problem of health. Read some view points to start the discussion:

Smoking is dangerous for our health. People have to quit smoking.

Meat is essential part of our diet. We cannot do without it.

Eating meat is bad for your health.

Cigarette companies are worried because their profits are falling and their image is suffering.

VII. Find out if any members of the class had first-aid training. If so, find out from them how to treat:

  • a patient with a snake bite;

  • a patient whose breathing has stopped;

  • a patient who is having an epileptic fit;

  • a patient with a suspected broken arm or leg.

VIII. Translate and memorize the proverbs:

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Good health is above wealth.

No pains, no gains.

What can’t be cured must be endured.

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

Spoken etiquette

Giving Advice


  1. I’d advise you not to waste time and start the work at once. – I certainly will. / I’m afraid I can’t.

  2. I think you should work harder. – Yes, I certainly should.

  3. I advise you to travel by air. It’s quicker. – Perhaps, you are right. But I hate take-offs.

  4. You must start playing tennis or you will gain weight. – I couldn’t agree more.

  5. You mustn’t speak so rudely to him. – Do you really think I’m being rude? Sorry.


  1. You’d better put on a warm coat. – I’d rather not. It’s warm outside.

  2. If I were you, I wouldn’t worry so much about it. – That would be wrong. It is very important.

What would you say?

Read the following dialogues and say which of them is a formal dialogue between a doctor and a patient and which is an informal dialogue between two friends. Then complete each dialogue with the given words.

    1. Ought, should, you’d, I were you

A: I’m feeling really awful. I only slept four hours last night.

B: It’s not surprising, when you are always stuck in front of that computer.

A: What do you mean?

B: Well, you ….. go out a bit more. And if ….. I wouldn’t drink so much coffee.

A: But it keeps me awake.

B: Mmm, and you ….. to do some exercise. ….. feel much better.

    1. d advise you, mustn’t, must, ‘ve got, need.

A: I’m afraid you ….. to change your diet.

B: What do you mean?

A: Well, you ….. to eat more fruit and vegetables and you …. eat so much fast food.

B: But I don’t like vegetables and I hardly have any time to cook.

A: I’m afraid you ….. make sure you eat properly. Your cholesterol level is much too high. I ….. to go on one of the cookery courses organized by the local authority.

  • Make up similar dialogues.

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