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Enjoy Learning English.doc
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Topical Vocabulary

to be situated in

находиться в

to be washed by

омываться (чем-либо)

the total area

общая площадь



a climatic region

климатический регион



a land of rivers and lakes

страна рек и озер

to be rich in smth.

иметь большие запасы чего-либо

natural and mineral resources

природные ресурсы и полезные ископаемые

to produce smth.

производить что-либо





iron ore

железная руда



a highly-developed industrial and agricultural country

страна с высоко развитой промышленностью и сельским хозяйством

the national capital

столица страны

the centre of government

правительственный центр

to be named after smb.

быть названным в честь кого-либо

I. Answer the questions:

  1. What can you say about the geographical position of the United States of America?

  2. What is the total area and the population of the United States?

  3. What is the climate of the United States like?

  4. Why is the United States called a land of rivers and lakes?

  5. How can you characterize the natural and mineral resources of the country?

  6. What are the major cities of the United States?

II. Translate into English:

  1. Соединенные Штаты Америки расположены в центральной части материка Северная Америка и омываются Тихим и Атлантическим океанами.

  2. США – высокоразвитая промышленная и аграрная страна с богатыми природными ресурсами.

  3. США богаты полезными ископаемыми: медью, нефтью, железной рудой и углем.

  4. Столица страны, Вашингтон, получила название в честь Джорджа Вашингтона.

III. Put each of the following words in its place in the passage below.

Declare, voting, borrow, protect, concern, defense, representative, constitution, concurrent, branch, limited, authority, laws, rights, justice.

The United States is a _____ democracy. All government power rests ultimately with the people, who direct police by _____ for government representatives. The nation’s _____ defines the power of nation and state governments, the functions and framework of each _____ of government, and the _____ of individual citizens. The Constitution was created to _____ the democratic interests of the people and the government.

The principle of _____ government is basic to the Constitution. Under federalism, the principle of limited government was achieved by dividing _____ between the central government and the individual states. The federal government has powers over areas of wide _____. For example, it has the power to control communication among states, _____ money, provide for the national _____, and _____ war.

The states possess those powers that are not given to the federal government. For example each state establishes its own criminal _____ system, public schools, and marriage and divorce _____.

There are certain powers, called _____ powers, which both the federal and the state government share. Examples include the power to tax, set up courts, and charter banks.

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