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Enjoy Learning English.doc
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Topical Vocabulary

to be not the same age

иметь разный возраст

to manage smbs house

вести домашнее хозяйство

to be full of common sense

иметь здравый смысл

to be financially secure

быть финансово независимым

to retire

уходить на пенсию

to be married

быть женатым, замужем



to feel homesick

скучать по дому

I. Answer the questions:

  1. “A family is a group of people who live in the same house.” Do you think it is true? What is a family in your opinion?

  2. What issues do you think cause conflicts between parents and teenagers?

  3. Would you prefer to be an only child or one of two or three children? Is it better to be the youngest or the eldest child in a family? Give your reasons.

  4. You work for a magazine answering the letters sent in to its problem page. Decide what advice you can give to a girl who has written in to say that she is always quarrelling with her sister.

  5. Turn over the pages of your family photo album. What can it tell you?

  6. A contemporary family is different in many ways from a 19th century family. Say how and why.

II. Check yourself.

  1. Your father’s second wife is your …

  2. Your grandfather and grandmother are …

  3. Your husband’s sister …

  4. Your male child is your …

  5. Your mother’s mother …

  6. He is married to her. She …

  7. Your mother’s niece is your …

  8. Your male cousin is your father’s …

  9. A small child that can walk …

  10. If you have neither brothers nor sisters you …

III. Study the Family Tree and say whether the following statements are true or false:

Pete + Jane

Dorothy Tom + Ann Theresa Dick + Mary

Louis Charlie Beatrice

  1. Jane is Dorothy’s mother.

  2. Pete is Ann’s father.

  3. Tom is Mary’s husband.

  4. Theresa is Tom’s wife.

  5. Louis is Charlie’s brother.

  6. Beatrice is Louis’s cousin.

  7. Dorothy is Beatrice’s aunt.

  8. Tom is Louis’s uncle.

  9. Charlie is Mary’s nephew.

  10. Beatrice is Theresa’s niece.

  11. Ann is Theresa’s sister-in-law.

  12. Tom is Dorothy’s brother.

  13. Dorothy is Pete’s daughter.

  14. Ann is Mary’s sister.

  15. Pete is Charlie’s grandfather.

  16. Beatrice is an only child.

  17. Dorothy has two children.

  18. Jane is Beatrice’s grandmother.

  19. Louis is Jane’s grandson.

  20. Dorothy is single.

IV. A) Read the following extract and translate it into Russian. Use a dictionary.

My hair is thick with a copper tinge, parted in the centre. My eyes are large, in some lights the colour of amber. My nose is too short, my mouth is too wide. I’m no beauty.

b) Use it as a model to give a short description of each member of your family.

V. Here are some answers. What are the questions?

  1. Two sisters and a brother.

  2. I’m a surgeon.

  3. He is an only child.

  4. England.

  5. Twenty-four.

  6. She is slim and blonde.

  7. At a factory.

  8. Spanish.

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