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Enjoy Learning English.doc
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II. Translate into English.

  1. Они стараются успеть на поезд, автобус, корабль или самолет.

  2. Поезда движутся медленнее самолетов, но вы можете увидеть намного больше интересных мест в той стране, которую вы проезжаете.

  3. В современных автобусах удобные сиденья, есть видео и телефон, у вас есть возможность выпить горячего чаю или кофе и перекусить.

  4. Некоторым людям нравится проводить свой отпуск, путешествуя пешком или на велосипеде.

III. Discuss with your partner the way you spent your summer holidays last year. The following chart will help you.

Your Likes and Dislikes

I love

I like

I quite like

I don't like

I hate

I can't stand

crowds when I'm on holiday.

a lot of sightseeing.

lying on the beach.

going out for walks in the mountains.

traveling by air.

going abroad.

travelling by coach.

going to discos.

visiting museums.

eating foreign food.

making friends with someone.

plenty of changes.

IV. You are on vacations in a youth camp. Write a postcard to your friend describing the activities you are involved in sharing joys and pleasures.

Spoken Etiquette

Asking for and Giving Opinion

Study the expressions below and put them into three groups:

  1. Asking for opinion.

  2. Giving opinion.

  3. Avoiding giving opinion.

As I see it…

I’m not exactly sure what you mean. From my own point of view…

I believe…

I can’t stand…

I really love…

What’s your opinion of…

I see your point, but…

I’m in two minds about this.

I’m not in favour of…

In my opinion…

It’s difficult to say.

Do you have an opinion about ...

That’s a difficult question. Personally…

That’s one way of seeing it but… What do you think of …

Do you think it’s a good idea…

What would you say?

  • You think it’s not a good idea for kids to travel abroad. You want to know your partner’s opinion.

  • You want to know what other students think about different means of travel.

  • What do you think of hitch-hiking? Find out other students’ opinion.


One of our first duties is to keep our body in perfect order. If our body suffers from any disorder, our mind suffers from it too and we are unable to make much progress in our studies, we are unfit to perform our duties.

There are certain laws of keeping health which are so simple that even a little child can learn them. Fresh air is very important to good health, perfect cleanliness is also essential. Every room in the house, especially a bedroom should be properly cleaned. The whole body should be washed regularly. We like to look at someone who is tidy and clean. Certain exercises are also necessary to keep fit. The old and the young should do morning exercises. Rest is also important to the health of both body and mind. Plenty of food rich in vitamins is indispensable for our health, too.

If you have a headache, heartache, toothache, backache, earache or bad pain in the stomach, if you complain of a sore throat or a bad cough, if you run a high temperature and have a bad cold in your head, or if you suffer from high or low blood pressure, I think you should consult a doctor.

The doctor will examine your throat, feel your pulse, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound your heart and lungs, test your eyes, check your teeth or have your chest X-rayed.

After that he will prescribe some treatment, pills, tablets or some other medicine which we can buy at the chemist’s. He will recommend you to stay in bed for some time, because there might be serious complications. The only thing you have to do is to follow his recommendations.

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