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Enjoy Learning English.doc
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Topical Vocabulary


еда, трапеза

scrambled eggs



блины, оладьи

to have a snack



отбивная котлета

watery mashed potatoes

водянистое пюре

stewed fruit


noodle soup


mushroom soup

грибной суп

cabbage soup




I. Answer the questions:

  1. How many meals a day do you usually have?

  2. What do you usually have for breakfast?

  3. Where do you have lunch (dinner)?

  4. How many courses does your lunch (dinner) usually consist of?

  5. What is your favourite dish?

  6. What vegetables do you like?

  7. What do you usually have for dessert?

  8. How often do you eat out?

II. Canada’s Guidelines for Healthy Eating describes an eating style that promotes health.

Look throughout this “Food Guide” and discuss in a group how to enjoy eating well and feeling good about yourself.

Canada’s Guidelines for Healthy Eating

Enjoy a variety of foods.

Emphasize cereals, breads, other grain products, vegetables and fruit.

Choose lower-fat dairy product, leaner meats and foods prepared with little or no fat.

Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight by enjoying regular physical activity and healthy eating.

Limit salt, alcohol and caffeine.

Maintaining a healthy weight is especially important if your excess weight tends to settle around the middle of your body. Being apple-shaped, as opposed to pear-shaped, where weight is carried around the hips and thighs, has been linked to higher LDL-cholesterol levels and lower HDL-cholesterol.

Regular aerobic exercise, such as walking, running, cycling and swimming will be good for you.

III. Which word is odd? (Set a time limit of one minute).

  • lunch, tea, dinner, breakfast, coffee.

  • chicken, veal, beef, pork.

  • cutlery, crockery, poultry, utensils.

IV. Match the words:






the main course






English tea



V. Tell Me What You Eat

What do your tastes in food and drink reveal about your character? Read about Charlie Chilli, Suzie Sweet-Tooth, Hungry Harry and Picky Polly and see which one you identify yourself with! The character analysis is at the bottom.

Charlie Chilli

I love eating hot, spicy food. I enjoy trying foreign specialities in restaurants, and I’m also fond of preparing exotic dishes in my own kitchen. I hate eating the same thing two days running - I would rather go hungry!

Suzie Sweet-Tooth

I don’t mind what I eat, as long as there is some chocolate on the menu: I have so many favourites I often find it difficult to choose! I like milk shakes and fizzy drinks better than tea or coffee.

Hungry Harry

I’m more interested in quantity than in quality. I can’t stand getting up from the table if I still have room in my stomach. I prefer rice or potatoes and cooked vegetables to salads, and would rather drink Coke than fruit juice.

Picky Polly

I’m not keen on dishes which don’t look beautiful. In fact, I haven’t got a large appetite. There are all sorts of things I refuse to eat at all, and even when I’m given one of my favourites I always leave half of it on the plate.

Character analysis

Chilli eaters are brave and adventurous; they like to shock, but they get bored and restless very easily.

Sweet-eaters are easy-going and sociable but they lack confidence. They are kind and sympathetic but not always reliable.

Hungry eaters are hard-working and generous; they aren’t ambitious and hate changes of any sort. They worry about the future.

Picky eaters are artistic and sensitive but they lose their tempers easily. They set themselves very high standards and don’t like to fail.

сhilly - красный перец; острый соус

sweet-tooth - сластена, сладкоежка

picky - разборчивый, привередливый

milk shake - молочный коктейль

fizzy - газированный

hot - зд. острый

spicy - острый, пряный

speciality - фирменное блюдо

I would rather go hungry - я скорее останусь голодным

to be keen on - быть без ума от, очень любить

quantity - количество

quality - качество

I cant stand - я не выношу

room - зд. место

stomach - желудок, живот

adventurous - безрассудно смелый; авантюрного склада, любящий рисковать

restless - беспокойный, неугомонный, неспокойный

easy-going - веселый, беззаботный, с легким характером

they lack confidence - им не хватает уверенности в себе

sympathetic - чуткий, полный сочувствия, благожелательный

generous - щедрый

ambitious - честолюбивый, целеустремленный

to lose ones temper - выйти из себя

to fail - терпеть неудачу, проигрывать

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