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Enjoy Learning English.doc
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Spoken Etiquette

Invitations and Suggestions

Complete the dialogues below with an invitation or a response from the list.



Would you like to…?

You will come, won’t you?

We’d like to invite you…

Do you want to…?

Do you fancy…?

Yeah, great.

I’d love to but…

I’d like that.

Oh, I’m really sorry but…

Next week’s a bit difficult.

1. A: Juan and I are getting married on 26th June. _____ to the reception afterwards at the Grand Hotel.

B: Congratulations! The 26th? ______I’ll be on holiday that week.

2. A: Some of us are going to the beach on Saturday. _____coming?

B: ______ What time?

3. A: I’m having a barbecue on Sunday. ________

B: Thanks. ______

4. A: _____ come round to my place on Friday night? We could listen to music or watch a video.

B: ______ I’ve already arranged to go out with Samantha on Friday.

5. A: ______ go out for dinner one day next week?

B: ______

Choose the correct alternatives in italics.

Melanie? I’ve got tickets for the opera on Saturday. Do/Would you like to come?

Jane and I are going roller-skating on Friday. Do you fancy/like coming?

I’ve decided to have a fancy dress party on Valentine’s Day. You do/will come, don’t/won’t you?

Karen and I would invite/would like to invite you and Sophie to dinner a week on Friday.

Respond to these suggestions. (√ = respond positively; X = respond negatively). Use expressions from these lists.



That’s not a bad idea.

Good idea.


I’m not sure about that.

I’m not keen on that idea.

No, I don’t think so.

  1. If you want to lose weight, you could try those new slimming pills. (X)

  2. To stop smoking, why not try those nicotine patches that you stick on your arm? (√)

  3. What about giving yourself a time limit if you want to read more quickly? (√)

  4. You could take a laptop computer if you want to work on the flight. (X)

  5. Get yourself a mobile phone to keep in touch while you’re travelling. (√)

  6. You said you wanted a new image. How about shaving your head? (X)

At the museum

Museums play a great role in the cultural life of any nation. You can learn many interesting facts in museums about history, traditions and customs of different peoples. There you can find documents, photographs, books, manuscripts, works of art, personal belongings of famous people and other things. There are many museums in our country. The most famous of them are the Museum of Fine Arts, the Tretyakov Arts Gallery in Moscow, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg and others.

More than a hundred years ago a young businessman Pavel Tretyakov decided to organize a museum of national art which must be open to all. He bought the pictures by Perov, Repin, Shishkin and others. Later Tretyakov presented his collection to the city of Moscow. Now there are more than 55 thousand works of art, paintings, sculptures and other examples of decorative art in the Tretyakov Gallery.

There are also many museums in England. One of the largest English museums is the British Museum. It is situated in London. It is famous for its greatest library. The British Museum is a huge beautiful building with a high round reading-hall in it. Here you can find everything you want: English Chronicles, autographs of great writers, Greek and Latin manuscripts, books and magazines from all parts of the world. There are also lots of other memorials in the museum: the Hall of Mummies, the Ethnography Department, the arts of Far East and so on. There are always many visitors from all countries of the world in the British Museum.

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