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Spoken Etiquette

Classroom English

Good morning/ afternoon!

Доброе утро/ день.



How are you?

Как поживаете?

There’s the bell. It’s time to start.

Звонок. Пора начинать урок.

Who is absent today?

Кто сегодня отсутствует?

Give out




Put your books away

Отложите книги.

Open your books at page 3

Откройте книги на стр. 3.

Do exercise 5 on page 11

Выполните упражнение 5 на стр. 11.

Study the chapter on your own

Изучите главу самостоятельно.

Well done




Very well

Очень хорошо!

Is this correct?

Это правильно?

What is the Russian (English) for …

Как будет по-русски (по-английски)

What does it mean?

Что это значит?

Could you repeat it, please?

Не могли бы Вы повторить?

I don’t understand it.

Я не понимаю.

Shall I begin reading?

Начинать читать?

Im sorry, Im late.

Извините за опоздание.

May I come in?

Можно войти?

May I go out?

Можно выйти?

What would you say?

  • Make up short classroom dialogues.

Education in Russia

Every citizenof our country hasthe right to education.This rightis guaranteed by the Constitution.It is not only a right buta duty, too. Every boy or girl mustget secondary education.They go to school at the age of six or seven and must stay there until they are 14-17 years old. At school pupils study Russian, Biology, a foreign language and otheracademic subjects.

After finishing the 9th form of a secondary school young people can continue their education in the 10th and the 11th form. They can also go to a vocational or technical school, where they study academic subjects and receive a profession. A college gives general knowledge in academic subjects and a profound knowledge in one or several subjects.

After finishing a secondary, vocational, technical school or a college, young people can start working or enter an institute or a university. Institutes and universities train specialists in different fields. A course at an institute or a university usually takes 5 years. Many universities have evening and extramural departments. They give their students an opportunity to study without leaving their jobs. Institutes and universities usually have post-graduate courses which give candidate or doctoral degrees.

Education in this country is free at most schools. There are some private primary and secondary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies. Students of institutes and universities get scholaships. At many institutes and universities there are also departments where students have to pay for their education.

Topical Vocabulary

a citizen

гражданин (какой-либо страны)

the right to education

право на образование

to be guaranteed by the Constitution

гарантироваться Конституцией

a duty


to get secondary education

получить среднее образование

an academic subject

общеобразовательный предмет

to finish the … form


to continue one’s education

продолжить образование

a vocational school

училище, ПТУ

a technical school


to receive a profession

получить профессию

to give general knowledge in smth.

дать общие знания в какой-либо области

to give a profound knowledge in smth.

дать углубленные знания в какой-либо области

to enter an institute or university

поступать в институт или университет

to train a specialist in smth.

подготовить специалиста в определенной области

a course

курс обучения

an evening department

вечернее отделение

an extramural department

заочное отделение

to give an opportunity

предоставить возможность

without leaving one’s job

одновременно работая

post-graduate courses


to give a candidate or doctoral degree

присваивать степень кандидата или доктора наук



a private school

частная школа

a primary school

начальная школа

to get a scholarship

получать стипендию

to pay for one’s education

платить за чье-либо образование

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