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Перевод прямой речи в косвенную

Беседуя, мы часто передаем слова других людей. Для этого в английском языке необходимо использовать специальные правила постановки в косвенную речь и правила согласования времен.

Трансформация утвердительных и отрицательных предложений:

- используется слово that;

- местоимения заменяются по смыслу;

- не используются кавычки, в конце предложения ставится точка.

Если слова автора стоят в настоящем времени или в предло­жении идет речь о вечных истинах, время при трансформации не изменяется:

Не says, “I have four classes a day”. - He says (that) he has four classes a day.

The teacher said to his students, “The Earth goes round the Sun”. - The teacher told his students that the Earth goes round the Sun.

Помните:said to told

Трансформация вопросительных предложений:

1) специальные вопросы:

- используется вопросительное слово из вопроса;

- местоимения заменяются по смыслу;

- не используются кавычки, в конце предложения ставится точка; - используется прямой порядок слов.

She said, “Christine, when did you come?” - She asked Christine when she had come. Mother asks, “What marks have you got today?” - Mother asks what marks we have got today.

2) общие вопросы:

- используется слово if (whether) - ли;

- местоимения заменяются по смыслу;

- не используются кавычки, в конце предложения ставится точка;

- используется прямой порядок слов.

She said, “Ted, have you got up yet?” - She asked if he had already got up.

Mother asks, “Have you got any free time today?” - Mother asks if I have got any free time today.

Приказы, указания и просьбы передаются с помощью инфинитива с частицей “to”:

She said, “Do it yourself, Kate!” - She ordered Kate to do it herself.

Mother asks, “Have some coffee”. - Mother asks me to have some coffee.

She said, “Don’t be afraid”. – She said (advised, warned, recommended, encouraged) not to be afraid.

Правила согласования времен:

Согласование времен – это зависимость времени глагола-сказуемого в придаточном предложении от времени глагола-сказуемого в главном предложении.

Если слова автора стоят в прошедшем времени, то время прямой речи при трансформации ее в косвенную заменяется по схеме, которая приведена в таблице:

Время прямой речи

Время косвенной речи

Present Indefinite (come)

Past Indefinite (came)

Present Continuous (are coming)

Past Continuous (were coming)

Present Perfect (have come)

Past Perfect (had come)

Present Perfect Continuous1

(have been coming)

Past Perfect Continuous1

(had been coming)

Past Indefinite (came)

Past Perfect (had come)

Past Continuous

(was coming)

Past Perfect Continuous1

( had been coming)

Past Perfect (had come)

Past Perfect (had come)

Past Perfect Continuous1

(had been travelling)

Past Perfect Continuous1

(had been travelling)

Future Indefinite

(will go)

Future Indefinite-in-the-Past

(would go)

Future Continuous1

(will be doing)

Future Continuous in the Past1

(would be doing)

Future Perfect

(will have done)

Future Perfect in the Past

(would have done)

Future Perfect Continuous1

(will have been doing)

Future Perfect Continuous in the Past1 (would have been doing)

1 Эти времена не имеют формы страдательного залога, а имеют только формы действительного залога. Вместо Continuous используйте Indefinite, вместо Perfect Continuous используйте Perfect.

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

I am a student.

He said(told me)

that he was a student.

Will you go to the lecture?

He asked

if I would go to the lecture.

What books do you like?

He asked

what books I liked.

I did not see you then.

He said

that he had not seen me then.

Wash the dishes!

He ordered me

to wash the dishes.

When did you come?

He asked me

when Ihad come.

Необходимо помнить о замене некоторых слов, если слова автора стоят в косвенной речи:






прямой речи


косвенной речи




that night




the next day




the previous day



the day after tomorrow

two days later


that day

the day before yesterday

two days before



last year

the year before

Remember: must – had to; can – could; may – might; should, would, could, might, ought не изменяются. They said, “You must be here tomorrow”. – They said we had to be there the next day. She said, “How can you sit up so late?” – She wondered how I could sit up so late.

Правила согласования времен не применяются, если в придаточном предложении есть точное указание времени или это общепринятая истина.

He said, “I was born in 1987”. – He said he was born in 1987. The Russian expert said: “We tested a similar system back in 1972”. - He said they tested a similar system back in 1972.

They said, “We’ll graduate from the university in 2019”. – They said they will graduate from the university in 2019.

The teacher said, “Matter consists of atoms”. - The teacher said (that) matter consists of atoms.

Ex.113. Change the following from direct into reported speech using the verbs in brackets: 1) “Close your eyes and open your parcel”, she said to me. (ask) 2) “We hope you will lend us your car”, they said to their parents. (insist) 3) “Go to your room and stay there”, said his father. (order) 4) “Tell me what happened”, he said. (encourage) 5) “He’s never written to me before”, said Kim. (admit) 6) She said to them, “I’ll call you at 7 o’clock tonight”. (promise) 7) My mother said to me, “Don’t stay up reading too late!” (warn) 8) “I didn’t take the photos yesterday”, she said. (deny) 9) “Will Lisa be safe on her own?” her father said. (wonder) 10) “Don’t walk on the grass”, the park attendant said to us. (warn) 11) “Did you pay the bill last week?” said his sister. (ask) 12) “The Earth goes round the Sun”, the geography teacher said to them. (tell) 13) He said to them, “Water boils at 100 degrees C”. (remind)

Ex.114. Convert into reported speech. 1. “It is a very good political sign,” said the economic adviser to the Russian president. “It means the US administration is ready for maximum economic cooperation.” 2. “We brought this trend about five years ago,” said an analyst at a financial company. 3. The Tories education spokesman said: “People often ask where all the money has gone when they hear ministers boasting about increased education spending.” 4. “GPs do not think the survey is fair as it does not reflect reality,” he said. 5. “But the Russian leadership took measures to prevent an eventual Orange revolution in Russia,” said the founding director of the Institute of National Strategy in Moscow.

Ex.115. Revision. Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect? Complete this text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Jason Peters is (be) a wildlife cameraman. He … (film) wild animals for documentary programmes on TV. For fifteen years, as part of his job, he … (explore) the world’s jungles and rain forests. Snakes … (bite) him more times than he can remember and alligators … (attack) him, too. At the moment he … (prepare) to go back to the Amazon. He … (love) filming there but another reason is that his girlfriend, Carmen, … (live) in Manaus near the Amazon. Jason and Carmen … (work) together when they can. They … (film) in Venezuela several times. While they were there, they lived with the Matis Indians. “The Matis … (eat) monkeys,” says Jason, “but they …(not eat) some animals which are part of their religion. At the moment I … (study) them and the Amazon people and I … (try) to compare the two. I … (find) books about the Amazon people to help me but there’s nothing about the Matis. I’ll have to write something myself!”