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Текст 15 An amazing journey

In 1964 John Pollard bought a new car. It was a Mini, and it cost just £505. 250,000 miles later he is still driving it. Mr Pollard, 59, said: l bought the car when I was a student. I wanted to travel. In 1966 1 drove to Moscow, Finland, and the Arctic Circle. I married in 1967 and then my wife and I drove the Mini to Australia via India. I found a job in Sydney, and we stayed for 30 years. We used the Mini all the time. Last month we came back to England to visit our families and of course, we came in the Mini. We drove via Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Tibet and China, Mongolia, and Russia.’ Mr and Mrs Pollard love their old Mini and don't want to sell it buy a new one. “Next month we're returning to Australia but we are not driving, we are travelling by plane. The Mini is travelling by ship. We decided to give it a rest for the return journey because it is very old and tired."

Ответьте на вопросы:

Can you drive? Do you like driving? What is your favourite car?

Согласитесь или не согласитесь.

  1. John Pollard bought a VW.

  2. He bought it in 1964.

  3. He bought the Mini when he was a student.

  4. He paid £250,000 for it.

  5. He went to Russia three times in his old Mini.

  6. He married, then he went to Australia.

  7. John and his wife stayed in Australia because they had no money.

  8. They're buying a new Mini soon.

  9. They're returning to Australia by ship.

  10. The Mini isn't staying in England.

Диалог 1

Разыграйте диалог по ролям.

A. I want a one-way ticket to Springfield. When does the next train leave?

B. There's a train at four-ten. There's also another at seven-twenty this evening.

A. Are they both through trains?

B. Yes. The four ten is a fast train and makes only one stop in New Haven. It arrives in Springfield at nine-thirty. The second is a local and takes about an hour and a half longer.

A. Is there a dining car on both trains?

B. There's a diner on the four-ten. The seven-twenty has just a cafe. You can get there sandwiches and coffee, drinks, etc.

A. What is the price of a ticket?

B. A seat on the four-ten will cost you ten dollars.

A ticket for the seven-twenty is cheaper: it will cost you only six dollars and eighty cents.

A. I think I'll have a ticket for the four-ten. It will be more expensive, but I'll save time.

B. As you like. Here is your ticket.

A. Thank you.

Диалог 2

Разыграйте диалог по ролям.

Peter Bennett is buying a railway ticket from the booking-office at a small local station in the suburbs of Birmingham.

Peter Bennett: I want a ticket to Birmingham, please. Second class.

Booking Clerk: Single or return?

Peter Bennett: Return, please.

Booking Clerk: Second return, Birmingham, one pound and ninety pence, please. (Peter gives him a five-pound note). Three pounds and ten pence change, please. Thank you.

Peter Bennett: Could you tell me what time the next train goes?

Booking Clerk: 9.30, platform 2.

Peter Bennett: What time does it reach Birmingham?

Booking Clerk: You should be there at 10.15, but they are running late today.

Peter Bennett: Thanks. ,

Susan Bennett is at the left-luggage office at Victoria Station.

Susan: I want to leave some luggage here until this afternoon, is that all right?

Clerk: Yes, of course. That'll be quite all right. Is it just one bag?

Susan: No, there are these two suitcases and this trunk. My husband will call for them during his lunch break.

Clerk: Very well. What's your name, please?

Susan: Mrs Bennett.

Clerk: Right. Here's your ticket. That will be 32 pence, please.

(Susan gives him a pound note) 68 pence change. Thank you.

Susan: Thank you.

Peter and Jane Bennett are travelling by train to see Jane's parents.

Peter: I booked seats for us because trains at this time are usually crowded. We have numbers A-26 and A-30. These are corner seats in a non-smoker, one seat facing the engine. Is that all right?

Jane: That's great, Peter. I would hate going a long way in a smoker. May I sit facing the engine?

Peter: Of course! You take whichever seat you like. As a matter of fact, I really prefer sitting with my back to the engine. Now let's look for our seats.

Jane: Here's our carriage A, and here's our compartment. We can get on the train.

Peter: I'll go and see that our luggage has been put into the van, and I'll book two seats in the dining car for lunch if you don't mind.

Jane: That's a very good idea.

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