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Текст 2 family daily routines

It is not a bad idea to have a kind of subdivision of labor at home when each person knows his own daily household jobs. The children should keep their own room tidy, make their beds, set the table for meals, clear away the dishes and wash up. The mother could then concentrate on the more specialized jobs of cooking, washing, ironing and mending. It would be useless, however, if the children promised to help, and then failed to do their jobs, so that she constantly had to say: "I wish you would make your bed, Carol. I'd like you to pick up all those toys from the floor, Bob": Shopping at the supermarket could be a kind of family outing, if they all were free at the right time and went together and helped to choose the goods and push the trolley.

Прочитайте тексты 1 и 2 и ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What household duties do you have? Do you consider them difficult?

  2. Are you a good cook? What dishes can you prepare?

  3. What everyday services do you sometimes visit?

  4. What household duties do the other members of your family have?

Текст 3 Dividing Up Chores

Times have changed. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the traditional division of labor, which includes the man working full-time outside the home and the woman taking care of the house. But now, many women also work outside the home and are still forced to continue taking care of all the household duties. However, it's very important to take into account your outside obligations when dividing up the household chores. Most people are busy and would rather be doing something else than washing the dishes or taking out the garbage. But chores are a fact of life, and they need to get done.

It's useful to create a chore chart that will work for your household. Some items on the chore chart will probably be standard, and others will be specific to your home. You and your spouse need to sit down together to make a list that will work for both of you. If you are currently doing the majority of the housework, your spouse may not be so enthusiastic about working out a new system with you. But if there is resentment on your part, then you need to explain this to your spouse.

Holding grudges because of unfair workloads can lead to conflicts in other areas of your marriage. You need to come up with a compromise chore list. You may not be thrilled with it, but it should be one that both of you can live with. It should include daily chores as well as weekly chores.

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Do you agree with the traditional division of labor?

  2. What is the man supposed to do?

  3. What is the woman supposed to do?


Прочитайте диалог по ролям и переведите его.

Ann: Hello, Mary.

Mary: Hello, come in. Don't mind the mess. I'm just doing the room.

Ann: Oh, what a pity you are busy. I've got two tickets for the cinema. The show begins at three sharp. Mary: Don't worry. It never takes me much time to tidy up my room.

Ann: Let me help you. What am I to do?

Mary: If you don't mind, you may water the flowers and dust the books while I sweep the floor and put everything in its place.

Ann: Don't you want to air the room? Do you mind if I open the window?

Mary: Oh, no. I don't mind it a bit.

Ann: Now the room looks quite tidy. There is nothing else to do. Let's go.

Mary: Wait a moment. I have to wash up the dishes.

Ann: Somebody else can do it, I think.

Mary: Certainly, everybody can, but today it's my turn to do it. We all help Mother about the house as much as we can.

Ann: And who does the shopping in your family?

Mary: As a rule, mother does shopping after work. But today I must buy something for supper as Mother has a meeting at her work.

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