- •Астраханский государственный
- •Part 1. Знакомство
- •Let me introduce myself and my family
- •Vocabulary
- •About myself
- •Vocabulary.
- •Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin – the head of the rf government
- •Vocabulary
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов:
- •1. Accommodations and catering
- •2. Tourist attractions and entertainment
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов
- •Exercise 1
- •Freddie laker
- •Cesar manrique
- •Around the world in 222 days
- •Part 3. У врача. Медицинское обслуживание. Text 1
- •The laws of health
- •At the doctor`s
- •Text 1a
- •At the dentist`s
- •Medical assistance
- •The Doctor Arrival
- •In the Sick-Bay.
- •At the Hospital
- •The Doctor`s Advice
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов
- •Part 4. Моя страна. Мой город. Достопримечательности.
- •Vocabulary
- •Astrakhan
- •Vocabulary
- •Reading comprehension Text 1 Moscow
- •Text 2 The City of Astrakhan: history and present time
- •Text 3 The land of blooming lotus
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов:
- •Part 5. Страны изучаемого языка (Великобритания, сша, Австралия, Новая Зеландия):географические, политические и культурные аспекты. Canada
- •New Zealand
- •Australia
- •Great Britain
- •The usa
- •Washington, d.C.
- •Canberra
- •Wellington
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов
- •Part 6. Наш университет. Высшее образование в России.
- •Vocabulary
- •Moscow state lomonosov university
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов
- •Part 7. Высшее образование в стране изучаемого языка. Ведущие мировые университеты. Higher education in Great Britain
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов text I. Read the text to yourself and suggest a title.
- •Text IV. Stanford University
- •Part 8. Покупки. В магазине. Shopping
- •The Big Stores of London
- •Shopping phrases
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы
- •Part 9. Война и мир. Угроза терроризма. World at war
- •Terrorism
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов
- •21St Century Terrorism
- •The eu fights against the scourge of terrorism
- •Part 10. Страны третьего мира. Проблемы миграции.
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов Text 1
- •List of emerging and developing economies
- •Developing countries not listed by imf
- •Industrialization
- •Part 11. Информатизация общества
- •Informatization
- •Origin of the term
- •Social impact of informatization
- •Informatization in economic systems
- •Globalization and informatization
- •Globalization
- •Definitions
- •Information technology
- •Information Age
- •The Internet
- •Progression
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов The Internet
- •Information
- •Communication in our life
- •Social impact of the Internet
- •What is Science?
- •Technology
- •Science, engineering and technology
- •Word Bingo
- •Alfred nobel - a man of contrasts
- •Alexander graham bell
- •3. What brought Einstein more joy than anything else?
- •4. By what illustration did Einstein explain his Theory of Relativity?
- •5. What two rules of conduct did Einstein have?
- •Part 13 Современные достижения науки. Перспективы развития науки.
- •Text 2. What is Nanotechnology?
- •Text 3. Collider
- •Text 4. Silicon Valley
- •Text 5. Small is beautiful
- •5____________________________________________________________
- •Text 6. Big is the Best
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов History of nanotechnology
- •Nanomaterials
- •Molecular nanotechnology
- •Collider design
- •Where have I heard that name before?
- •Part 14. Выдающиеся учёные прошлого Albert Einstein
- •Vocabulary of the text
- •Isaac Newton
- •Vocabulary of the text
- •Nicolaus Copernicus
- •Vocabulary of the text
- •Incoherency – несвязность, бессвязность, непоследовательность
- •Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilyevich
- •Vocabulary of the text
- •Dmitriy Ivanovich Mendeleev
- •Vocabulary of the text
- •Influenza - грипп
- •Valence – валентность
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы
- •Destroying forests
- •1 Damages
- •Language work
- •Language work
- •How the greenhouse effect works
- •Global warming
- •Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов:
- •Atoms, molecules and compounds
- •Chemical reactions and chemical bonds.
- •Organic compounds and life
- •Carbohydrates
Тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов
Фёдорова О.В. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для студентов специальности 230500 «Социально-культурный сервис и туризм» и студентов дополнительной квалификации «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» / АГТУ; – Астрахань, 2005. – 118 с.
1. упражнение 3, стр.7 информация о первооткрывателях - выполнить задания указанные в упражнении
2. упражнение 5,6, стр.11-13 информация о первом кругосветном путешествии - выполнить задания указанные в упражнениях
3. упражнение 3, стр.7 информация о первом кругосветном путешествии - выполнить задания указанные в упражнении
4. упражнение 16, стр.24 информация в виде кроссворда о путешествиях, перевести задания и вставить недостающие слова, указанные в упражнении
Exercise 1
The texts below give the information about the pioneers of tourism. They produced an important influence on the development of tourism. Divide into three groups. Each group is going to read about one of these three pioneers of tourism-Thomas Cook, Freddie Laker, and Cesar Manrique. In your groups, fill in the information for your person in this chart
Job or role in tourism___________________________________________
Achievements/ events (with dates)_________________________________
General contribution to development of tourism_____________________
Any other information__________________________________________
B) Get together with members of the other groups and find out about the other pioneers of tourism. Discuss the different contributions made by each of the pioneers. Who do you think made the most valuable and important contribution? Explain your choice and give reasons.
For millions of people around the world, the name Thomas Cook means traveller's cheques and travel agencies -but who was Thomas Cook? He was the first person to develop mass tourism. He organized excursions and tours which opened up the world of travelling for pleasure to the middle classes. Many of the things which we now take for granted in modern tourism date back to Thomas Cook - things like traveller's cheques, hotel vouchers, and chartered transport.
Thomas Cook lived in Leicester in the centre of England in the mid-19th century. He organized his first tour, a railway excursion from Leicester to Loughborough, in 1841. A total of 570 passengers joined it. The excursion was so successful that Cook organized other similar events. All of the early tours used the newly-invented railways.
Cook organized his first major continental tour in 1855 but it lost money. However, by 1862 he had managed to negotiate cheaper rates for crossing the English Channel. The cheaper rates were in return for a guarantee that he would bring large numbers - the essence of mass tourism. Tours to France and to Switzerland became regular events. The Swiss in particular quickly recognized the need to build the things that the tourists wanted - hotels and other facilities - so a whole tourist industry began to develop. After the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, Egypt also became a popular destination for Cook's tours. In the early 1870s he organized the first round-the-world tour, lasting 222 days.
So in a little over thirty years the foundations of modern mass tourism were established.