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Figure 14-51 A well-written alert message

Dialog Appearance and Behavior

When appropriate, your application’s dialogs should display default values for controls and text fields so the user can verify information rather than generate it from scratch.

Display a selection or an insertion point in the first location—a text entry field or a list, for example—that accepts user input.

When it provides an obvious user benefit, static text in a dialog should be selectable. For example, a user should be able to copy an error message, a serial number, or IP address to paste elsewhere.

In dialogs that display columns and are user resizable, such as the Open dialog, as the dialog is made bigger, the columns should grow and additional columns should appear. All other elements should remain the same size and be anchored to the right, center, or left side of the dialog.

Accepting Changes

In general, all changes a user makes in a dialog should appear to take effect immediately. There are three possible opportunities for data validation in a dialog:

1.When the user types data

2.When the user moves out of a data field (by pressing Tab, for example)

3.When the user clicks a button to apply changes

It is your responsibility to make the three states as clear as possible to the user. For example, checkboxes and radio buttons update immediately and display the appropriate results.

You need to decide when your application does error checking of user input. Possible approaches are to:

Evaluate the input and check for errors as the user tabs from one field to the next. The drawback is that it isn’t clear to the user that the changes are taking effect as he or she tabs among items. The user doesn’t click a button, and so isn’t aware of completing an action.

Save user input in a queue and apply it when the user clicks a button, closes the dialog, or switches to another application. If your application waits to check user-input errors until the user tries to dismiss the dialog, you may have to present an alert, thereby forcing the user to revisit the dialog. If you do error checking as the user enters input, it takes more time up front, but you can warn the user immediately when invalid data is entered.



2008-06-09 | © 1992, 2001-2003, 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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In most cases, validating input after each keystroke is annoying and unnecessary. It’s better to design your interface to automatically disallow invalid input. For example, your application could automatically convert lowercase characters to uppercase when appropriate.

In addition to error checking, you need to decide when to apply user input. In some cases, changes can take effect immediately—for example, View Options for Finder windows. In other cases, it may be appropriate to wait until the user performs an action, such as clicking an Apply button.

In a dialog that has multiple panes (selected by buttons, tabs, or a pop-up menu), avoid validating data when a user switches from one pane to another.

Finally, you need to determine whether your application should automatically perform an operation based on user input or whether the user should initiate the operation—for example, by clicking a button. It’s acceptable to automatically perform an operation that completes quickly and returns user control within a couple of seconds. For an operation that takes a longer time to execute, it’s best to warn the user of the estimated time required and let the user initiate it.

Dismissing Dialogs

The buttons at the bottom right of a dialog all dismiss the dialog. A button that initiates an action is furthest to the right. This actionbutton confirms the alert message text. The Cancel button is to the left of this button.

If there’s a third button for dismissing the dialog, it should go to the left of the Cancel button. If the third button could result in data loss—Don’t Save, for example—position it at least 24 pixels away from the “safe” buttons (Cancel and Save, for example).

A button that affects the contents of the dialog itself, such as Reset, should have its left edge aligned with the main dialog text or if there is a Help button, 12 pixels to the right of it.

Figure 14-52 Position of buttons at the bottom of a dialog


A button that could result in lost data should be at least 24 pixels away from “safe” buttons.

Usually the rightmost button or the Cancel button is the default button. The default button should be the button that represents the action that the user is most likely to perform if that action isn’t potentially dangerous. A default button has color and pulses to let the user know that it is the default. When the user presses the Enter key or the Return key, your application should respond as if the user clicked the default button.

Don’t use a default button if the most likely action is dangerous—for example, if it causes a loss of user data. When there is no default button, pressing Return or Enter has no effect; the user must explicitly click a button. This guideline protects users from accidentally damaging their work by pressing Return or Enter. You can consider using a safe default button, such as Cancel. Figure 14-48 (page 234) shows an example of a safe default button.

236 Dialogs

2008-06-09 | © 1992, 2001-2003, 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Don’t use a default button if you use the Return key in text entry boxes. Having two behaviors for one key can confuse users and make the interface less predictable.

In addition to the action button or buttons, it’s a good idea to include a Cancel button. This button returns the computer to the state it was in before the dialog appeared. It means “forget I mentioned it.” Always map the keyboard shortcut Command-period and the Esc (Escape) key to the Cancel button. These keyboard equivalents, along with Return and Enter, are accelerator keys and serve the purpose of letting the user respond quickly to a dialog or an alert. In general, it’s not a good idea to assign other keyboard shortcuts to buttons. If you find it useful to assign keyboard shortcuts to some buttons that are used very often in your application, be sure to follow the guidelines in “Keyboard Shortcuts” (page 103).

In some circumstances, it’s appropriate to implement an Apply button—for example, to permit a user to see the effect of multiple text attributes before committing to them. In cases like these, clicking Cancel should undo any of the applied changes. Cancel should never silently commit the changes the user previewed by clicking Apply. For more guidelines on using an Apply button, see “Providing an Apply Button in a

Dialog” (page 237).

Providing an Apply Button in a Dialog

You may choose to provide an Apply button in a dialog that displays multiple settings that affect the user’s view of data. An Apply button should allow a user to preview the effect of the selected settings without committing to the changes. Be cautious about using an Apply button for operations that take a long time to implement or undo; it might not be obvious to users that they can interrupt or reverse the process. Save dialogs or dialogs that allow users to make changes that can’t be previewed easily should not include an Apply button.

Clicking the Apply button does not dismiss the dialog because the user must decide whether to accept the previewed changes (by clicking OK) or to reject them (by clicking Cancel). Do not use the Apply button as another OK button—when the user dismisses the dialog without clicking OK, all previewed changes should be discarded.

Expanding Dialogs

Sometimes you need to provide the user with additional information or functionality in a dialog, but you don’t want to display it all the time. To do this, you use one of the disclosure controls to expand the dialog and reveal the additional information or capability to the user.

If you want to allow the user to view details that elaborate on the primary information in a dialog, you use a disclosure triangle (note that disclosure triangles are also used in hierarchical lists). The disclosure triangle expands the dialog, revealing additional information and, if appropriate, extra functionality. An example of a dialog expanded by a disclosure triangle is shown in Figure 15-76 (page 321). For more information about how to use a disclosure triangle in your dialog, see “Disclosure Triangles” (page 320).

If you want to provide the user with additional choices directly related to the selections offered in a pop-up or command pop-down menu in a dialog, you use a disclosure button. The disclosure button expands the dialog to reveal selections in addition to those listed in the pop-up or command pop-down menu. An example of a dialog expanded by a disclosure button to reveal additional choices is shown in Figure 14-58 (page 243). For more information about how to use a disclosure button in your dialog, see “Disclosure Buttons” (page 322).



2008-06-09 | © 1992, 2001-2003, 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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