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Варіант II

I. Складіть речення з поданих слів. Звертайте увагу на порядок слів в різних типах речень, а також використовуйте, де потрібно, вірну форму дієслова to be в Present Indefinite. Речення перекладіть.

  1. tо be, letters, the, whose, on, table?

  2. in, box, to be, the, pencil, the, red.

  3. I, in, to be, the, not, now, office.

  4. old, he, to be, how?

  5. or, he, an, to be, an, economist, engineer?

  6. out, at, Mr., the, to be, moment, Jones.

  7. We, engineers, to be, not.

  8. file, give, 5, please, her.

  9. a, she, be, a, teacher, student, or?

  10. not, do, do, exercises, these.

II. Заповніть пропущені місця потрібними прийменниками, поданими в таблиці (деякі прийменники можуть вживатися кілька разів). Речення перекладіть.






out of





    1. Don't go … the room.

    2. All the necessary papers are ... your table, Mr. Smith.

    3. Look ... these pictures. Do you like them?

    4. There are 4 engineers ... our office.

    5. Don't take these books ... the table.

    6. Take their order ... my secretary.

    7. Go ... that room and open the window.

    8. There is a lot ... sunshine in my room.

    9. What do you do ... your break?

    10. Will you tell me ... it?

III. В поданих реченнях підкресліть підмет і присудок та визначте час дієслова. Поставте запитання, починаючи їх словами в дужках. Речення перекладіть.

  1. Mr. Smith is here to make a contract with our firm. (Why...?)

  2. They were translating letters at 10 yesterday. (When...?)

  3. This fax came two hours ago. (When...?)

  4. Mr. Smith speaks 4 languages. (How many languages ...?)

  5. We are discussing terms of payment now. (What...?)

  6. We sometimes meet engineers from other factories. (Who…?)

IV. Підкресліть модальні дієслова та поставте речення в заперечну та запитальну форму. Перекладіть.

  1. І can send the letter today.

  2. He may use my car.

  3. We must go through the mail.

V. Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на порядок слів в різних типах речень. Використовуйте, де потрібно, вирази there is/are (was/were).

1. В кімнаті був стіл та декілька стільців.

2. Скільки в цьому будинку двокімнатних квартир?

3. На столі немає годинника.

4. Мій словник у мене в сумці.

5. У вашому перекладі було 2 помилки.

6. Дуже важливо закінчити переговори до квітня.

7. Коли світає влітку?

VI. Замініть місце прямого додатку, де можливо. Речення перекладіть.

1. The secretary sent him the telegram.

2. Would you give the price-list to me?

3. The catalogue is on the shelf. Bring it to me, please.

VII. Поставте дієслова в дужках в потрібну форму. Речення перекладіть.

1. I (to telephone) you yesterday.

2. Look! He (to swim) now.

3. She always (to bring) him the mail in the morning?

4. You (to go through) the catalogues when I come?

5. Can I (to have) your price-lists?

VIII. Знайдіть еквіваленти до поданих слів та виразів.

1. Книжки моєї сестри

2. Багато телексів

3. Робочий день

4. Приймати іноземних бізнесменів

5. Це сюрприз!

6. Вчасно

7. Вечеряти

8. По тобі видно

9. Два тижні тому

10. Грати на піаніно

IX. Письмово перекладіть текст.

Igor Ansoff

Igor Ansoff (1918-2002) was the father of modern strategic thinking. When Gary Hamel referred to the origins of corporate strategy he paid Ansoff an indirect compliment: “Strategy didn’t start with Igor Ansoff, neither did it start with Machiavelli,” he wrote. “It probably did not even start with Sun Tzu. Strategy is as old as human conflict.” In other words, Ansoff came of a great line passing through Machiavelli and Sun Tzu.

Born in Vladivostok of a Russian mother and an American diplomat father, Ansoff spent the first 18 years of his life in Russia before moving to New York, where he studied mechanical engineering and physics. In 1950 he joined the Rand Corporation, an influential think-tank of the time, where he worked on strategic problem-solving for NATO, developing theories that he subsequently came to apply to business.

He then worked for Lockheed, an aerospace company, and became a vice-president before moving on in 1963 to become an academic, first at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh, then as founding dean of the Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.

Ansoff’s 1965 book on corporate strategy, the first to concentrate solely on the subject, was described by Henry Mintzberg, a consistent critic of Ansoff, as “the most elaborate model of strategic planning in the literature”. Although it started with a simple aim, “to produce a resource-allocation pattern that will offer the best potential for meeting the firm’s objectives”, it soon got too bogged down in detail for many readers. It contained a series of rigorous processes and checklists designed to help managers reach strategic decisions.

Ansoff himself came to recognize that too often it resulted in “paralysis by analysis”, and in his later work he moved away from this rigid approach, seeking to find ways of introducing flexibility into the planning process. At the same time he abandoned his search for big universal management prescriptions, believing that each organization has to make strategic decisions on its own, dependent on its own unique environment.

Ansoff divided management decision-making into three: strategic; administrative; and operating, a classification that has been adopted by many subsequent writers. Several of his other ideas were picked up by other gurus and made more famous—competitive advantage (by Michael Porter), core competence (by Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad) and “sticking to your knitting” (by Tom Peters), for example.

In 1974 he moved to Brussels and worked at the European Institute of Advanced Studies in Management, a time that he described as “the most important phase of my intellectual development”. Out of this experience he wrote “Strategic Management” (1979). In 1983 he returned to the United States to become professor of strategic management at the United States International University. He also set up his own consulting business in San Diego, southern California.