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Кармин Новиелло - Освоение STM32.pdf
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E. Изменения книги


The Figure 4 in Chapter 1, and the text describing it, was completely wrong. It wrongly placed the boot loaders at the beginning of code area (0x0000 0000), while they are contained inside the System memory. Moreover, the role of the aliasing of flash addresses is better clarified, both there and in Chapter 7.

Better clarified the role of I-Bus, D-Bus and S-Bus in Chapter 9.

Fixed several errors in the text. Really thanks to Omar Shaker who is helping me.

Выпуск 0.7 – 8 февраля 2016

This release adds the following chapter:

Chapter 10 about memory layout and liker scripts.

Appendix C with correct pin-out for all Nucleo boards.

This release also better introduces the whole Nucleo lineup in Chapter 1. Moreover, BB-8 droid by Sphero is now among us. We welcome BB-8 (can you find it? :-)).

Выпуск 0.8 – 18 февраля 2016

This release adds the following chapter:

Chapter 10 about clock tree configuration. This release contains the following changes:

In paragraph the meaning of each IP Tree pane symbol has been better clarified.

Fixed several errors in the text. Again, really thanks to Omar Shaker who is helping me.

Выпуск 0.8.1 – 23 февраля 2016

This release contains the following changes:

The GCC tool-chain has been updated to the latest 5.2 release. There is nothing special to report.

Выпуск 0.9 – 27 марта 2016

This release adds the following chapter:

Chapter 11 about timers.

This release contains the following changes:

The paragraph 9.2.6 has been updated: after several tests, I reach to the conclusion that the peripheral-to-peripheral transfer is possible only if the bus matrix is expressly designed to trigger transfers between the two peripherals.

The paragraph 9.2.7 has been completely rewritten to better specify how to use the HAL_UART module in DMA mode.

Added the paragraph 9.4 that explains the correct way to declare buffers for DMA transfers.

Added the paragraph about the MSI RC clock source in STM32L MCUs.

Added the paragraph 10.1.3 about clock source options in Nucleo boards.

Added in Appendix C the Nucleo-L073 and Nucleo-F410 pinout diagrams.