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Кармин Новиелло - Освоение STM32.pdf
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E. Изменения книги

Поскольку эта книга находится в стадии разработки, интересно опубликовать полную историю изменений2.

Выпуск 0.1 – Октябрь 2015

First public version of the book, made of 5 chapters.

Выпуск 0.2 – 28 октября 2015

This release contains the following fixes:

Changed the Table 1 in Chapter 1: it wrongly stated that Cortex-M0/0+ allows 16 external configurable interrupts. Instead, it is 32.

Paragraph wrongly stated that the number of cycles required to service an interrupt is 12 for all Cortex-M processors. Instead it is equal to 12 cycles for all Cortex-M3/4/7 cores, 15 cycles for Cortex-M0, 16 cycles for Cortex-M0+.

Fixed a lot of errors in the text. Really thanks to Enrico Colombini (aka Erix – http://www.erix.it) who is doing this dirty job.

This release adds the following chapters:

Chapters 6 about GPIOs management.

Added a troubleshooting section in the appendix.

Added a section in the appendix about miscellaneous HAL functions.

Выпуск 0.2.1 – 31 октября 2015

This release contains the following fixes:

Changed again the Table 1 in Chapter 1: it did not indicate which Cortex exceptions are not available in Cortex-M0/0+ based processors.

Added several remarks to Chapter 4 (thanks again to Enrico Colombini) that better clarify some steps during the import of CubeMX generated output in the Eclipse project. Moreover, it is better explained why the startup file differs between Cortex-M0/0+ and CortexM3/4/7 processors.

Выпуск 0.2.2 – 1 ноября 2015

This release contains the following fixes:

Changed in Chapter 4 ( pg. 140) the description of project generated by CubeMX, since

ST has updated the template files after this author submitted a bug report. Now the code generated is generic and works with all Nucleo boards (even the F302 one).

2 Информация, представленная в этом параграфе малоинформативна, поэтому я оставил здесь оригинальный английский текст. (прим. переводчика)