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Insert Participle I or Participle II

  1. On the floor, _____ (to tie) to the latch of the letter box, was a piece of white cardboard with his name on it.

  2. Gertrude took away the _____ (to sob) little girl.

  3. There were letters from a woman in Brightland, and more letters _____ (to postmark) from places like Mexico City and Cannes.

  4. How would you like to spend your Sundays _____ (to rake up) dead leaves in the country?

  5. Her figure, so helpless, _____ (to bend) over the suitcase, made him nearly sick with pity.

  6. _____ (To lay) aside the Amazing Stories, she turned the wireless down a bit more.

  7. In her apartment, Maude went around _____ (to turn on) lamps, _____ (to open) windows, and _____ (to draw) curtains.

Exercise 2

Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Mind the difference between Participle I and Participle II


The film now being shown in our cinema is much spoken about.

The film shown in all the central cinemas was worth seeing.


The houses being built in our district are said to be comfortable.

One of these days they are going to move into the new house built not far from the underground.


The snow, cleared away only yesterday, began to fall again.

The snow being cleared away by the machine is very dirty.


I left the hall, being mocked by everybody.

Mocked by everybody, he couldn’t but feel ill at ease.


None of the candidates applying was accepted.

The voltage applied was very high.


Germs infecting the surface are removed with this antiseptic cream.

Rub the infected area with this antiseptic cream.


The film is boring.

The bored children started to get restless.


A new ship being built at dockyards of London is due to be ready in two months.

The newly-built ship is on its maiden voyage.


She gave me a welcoming greeting.

The welcomed guests were taking their seats in the conference hall.


I grew up in a car-making town.

Cars made by the Ford company are known worldwide.

Exercise 3

Determine the form of the Participle. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

  1. People beginning to study languages often say that it is difficult to memorize words.

  2. He leaned against the gate pretending to read the morning paper.

  3. If frozen, water becomes ice.

  4. The method used depended on the material selected.

  5. In England the weight of luggage allowed varies with different railways.

  6. Being shown this manuscript, he said that it belonged to the fifth century of our era.

  7. Having been written, the letter was posted.

  8. Having solved the main problem, the scientist made a report on research.

  9. Having been written, the translation was given to the editor.

  10. When read, the novel will be returned to the library.

  11. This much praised man proved to be a rogue.

  12. Her spirit, though crushed, was not broken.

  13. When reading The Pickwick Club Papers, one can’t help laughing.

  14. They were, indeed, old friends, having been at school together.

  15. None of the candidates applying was accepted.

Exercise 4

Translate the sentences into English, using Participle I or Participle II where possible

  1. Отримавши телеграму, моя сестра негайно виїхала до Москви.

  2. Побачивши незнайомого, я вибачився й вийшов із кімнати.

  3. Еліза заспокоїла хлопчика, який плакав біля крамниці.

  4. Поклавши дитину на ліжко, вона підійшла до вікна, що виходило на річку.

  5. Сонце сіло, і дерева здавалися темними, наче вирізані з чорного мармуру.

  6. Чоловік, який прислав їй квіти, був її шкільним товаришем.

  7. Зайшовши до кімнати, він побачив лист, що лежав на столі.

Exercise 5

Analyze the forms of the Participle in the sentences given below. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

  1. Having completed the preparation, he took a short break.

  2. Having been refrigerated, the melon was very good to eat.

  3. Working on this project we found out a lot of interesting things.

  4. Considered in isolation the example does not seem to be that convincing.

  5. Summing up, we must point out the following issues.

  6. Hearing a footstep below he rose and went to the top of the stairs. (Hardy)

  7. Given the inflation rate does not exceed 2% per month, the GDP (gross domestic product) growth could be considered realistic.

  8. Unless otherwise specified, the time of departure is always the same.

  9. Asked if the unification of the currencies is going to take place already this year, the Central bank governor did not give a straightforward reply.

  10. Having established the reasons we can proceed with our regular work in this matter.

  11. The articles referred to above deal with the corruption combat in the developing countries.

  12. She didn’t speak, being filled with the sense of silent confidence. (Eliot)

  13. Attached to the article are tables and graphs.

  14. I found that broken plate in the kitchen cupboard.

  15. She gave me a welcoming cup of tea.

Exercise 6

Fill in the correct form of the Participle


Ballast _____ the track structure is made of broken stone.

a. supported

b. having been


c. supporting


The locomotives _____ high speeds are used to draw passenger trains.

a. developing

b. being developed

c. having developed


The ______ railway connected Moscow with the Far East.

a. being built

b. having been built

c. built


_____, steam locomotives played an important part in transportation.

a. having invented

b. having been


c. inventing


The railway, if _____, will carry a large volume of traffic.

a. having electrified

b. electrified

c. electrifying


The rails _____ by the sun become longer.

a. heating

b. heated

c. having heated


_____ his dinner he rushed out of the house.

a. eating

b. having eaten

c. having been eaten


He fired, _____ one of the bandits.

a. wounding

b. being wounded

c. having been



I fell, _____ my head against the door.

a. being struck

b. striking

c. having struck


He spends two hours a day _____.

a. being travelled

b. travelling

c. having been



_____ a student he was naturally interested in museums.

a. being

b. having been

c. been


She enters, _____ by her mother.

a. having


b. having been


c. accompanied


_____ his invention the scientist answered a large number of questions.

a. having been


b. having


c. demonstrated


_____ some of the equipment was damaged.

a. being unloaded

b. unloading

c. having unloaded


_____ the environment people do harm to nature.

a. being polluted

b. polluted

c. polluting


_____, the underground railway was opened for public service.

a. having been tested

b. having tested

c. tested

Exercise 7

State the syntactic functions of the Participle and Participial Phrases. Translate the sentences into Russian

  1. I bought a wedding ring for Anne with the money I made working at a construction site.

  2. The music rang up and down the street beneath the trees like an appeal for tenderness, aimed at some lonely housemaid, some fresh-faced girl looking at old snapshots in her third-floor room.

  3. She spent a good deal of her time on clothes, not ever being sure where true elegance lay.

  4. Having admitted she loved Elgin, she was frightened.

  5. I walked slowly down the hall, planting my feet with care on a long black sound-absorbing rug.

  6. Being fascinated by those hands, she couldn’t help looking at them time and again.

  7. He hated all the people at the station, having once been one of them.

  8. Ten minutes later, feeling considerably better, though still shaken, I was standing in the doorway, twirling my umbrella and wondering what to do next.

  9. He was silent for a while, as if pausing for a reply.

  10. Frankly speaking, I find her very boring.

  11. Relocking the door, he glanced at the envelope.

  12. He began to stammer (заикаться), gazing at her troubled eyes.

  13. Two little boys carrying toy aeroplanes stopped dead, examining her dark eyelashes resting on her cream-coloured cheeks.

  14. They left the shining carriage, with the shining horses.

  15. Hoping Christine would come soon, he returned his attention to Flora and the morning mail.

Exercise 8

Analyze the forms of the Participle. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

  1. Of the three instances cited, only the last possesses a verbal suffix which is regularly found in other words.

  2. The results obtained are consistent and may be summed up in one simple rule.

  3. A proper noun is a name given to one particular person or thing.

  4. The information gained throws a flood of light upon the mode of action of the human vocal apparatus.

  5. The language processes apply not only to English, but to all languages. In all of them you will find words dying out, and words being born, words being created and old words being put together to form new words, words being taken from other languages and words changing their use and meanings.

  6. Formal excavations began in 1961. From work already completed we have established that the ancient capital was correctly described in the «Outline of Historical Geography».

  7. The following figures,2 partly covering the territory investigated, illustrate the extent of losses caused by the fire.

  8. The new poetry differed from the old in other respects than in the technical form of its verse. There was also a change in the subjects treated, and in the manner of treating them.

Exercise 9

Translate the sentences with as + Participle II into Ukrainian

  1. The conclusion appears reasonable that Italian as spoken and written by the multitude of correct, nondialectal speakers and writers, is a compromise language, continuing the traditions of various dialects.

  2. The evidence seems to show that urban life, as understood by the Romans, disappeared; the decay of the towns now became complete.

  3. Broadly speaking, the subject of this literature had been man and his passions as influenced by his environment and by nature.

  4. The English language as written at this time has several peculiarities which deserve to be noted.

  5. This, however, does not seem to me to invalidate the general truth of the theory as here explained.

Exercise 10

Translate the sentences with Participle as Attribute into Ukrainian

  1. The man addressed by us turned out to be a teacher.

  2. All the questions answered by him concerned his work.

  3. The meeting attended by us was held in a big hall.

  4. The group joined by them consisted of 12 people.

  5. The book referred to here was published last year.

  6. The man allowed to enter the first was very old and weak.

  7. At last we saw the picture so much heard about.

  8. There is only one group of words influenced by this phonetic change.

  9. The language spoken in this small country is of a mixed origin.

  10. The two men referred to were highly-placed officials.11. A ceremony attended by famous men of letters was held at the Bolshoi Theatre.

  11. A new program agreed upon by the two countries envisaged an interesting form of cultural cooperation.

  12. The review is divided into three parts followed by a brief comment.

  13. These manuscripts are somewhat newer than those referred to in the preceding paragraph.

  14. The system followed in indicating the source whence a passage has been taken will, I think, be found sufficiently exact.

  15. The ruling elite (in old Japan), amounting with its families to about one sixteenth of the population, was a hereditary class of fighters, forbidden to pursue any other vocation.

  16. Of what origin were the tongues spoken by the earliest men? — is the question still pondered by those who devote themselves to this branch of study.

  17. In the nineteenth century steam navigation and the railway were making it possible to transport goods in quantities hitherto undreamed of.

  18. The number of words borrowed from foreign languages now surpasses the number of native words, and in place of complicated system of inflexions possessed by Old English, Modern English has very few inflexions.

  19. Flaubert like Dickens was a great writer faced with the problem of giving a true picture of a society.

  20. The museum, beautiful and well cared for, has one of the best collections of Islamic manuscripts in the world.

  21. The long Civil Wars, followed by the reorganization of the Roman Empire under Augustus and Tiberius, gave the distant Island (Britain) a hundred years of respite.

  22. It must be stressed that within this period the changes referred to were not peculiar to one section of Romania, but appeared universally in all the future Romance countries.

  23. Edward II was not much of a king. He was a weakling, influenced by vicious favorites, who practically controlled the government.

Exercise 11

Compare the use Adjectives and Participles in English sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian

  1. The peoples of the given area divide themselves into the following groups.

  2. It is my hope that this book may prove useful to the serious student both through the great number of examples given and through the new theories advanced here and there, more particularly in chapters IV, X, XII and XV.

  3. Now we proceed to the more advanced and highly specialized culture of Polynesia.

  4. But as civilization increased, and it became necessary to use single languages over wide areas, an immense number of languages spoken only by small and obscure communities became extinct.

  5. The relation of the written to the spoken language in English has long attracted the attention of scholars.

  6. If we analyse many famous poems admired for their philosophy, we frequently discover mere commonplaces concerning man's mortality or the uncertainty of fate.

  7. Another admired example of harakiri is that of a governor of Nagasaki who in 1808 committed a suicide in the approved manner because he was unable to detain and to destroy a British man-of-war which had defied his authority.

  8. Speech is a human activity, the product of long continued social usage.

  9. Samuel Rogers, one of the few poets undisturbed by the ideas of the French Revolution, belonged more to the eighteenth century than to the new age.

  10. The latter part of this period, coinciding with the second half of the sixteenth century, was a very disturbed time in Japan.

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