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16. Translate and retell the text.

17. Read and translate the text, given below. Speak on: “The role of sport in modern life”.” Sport as part of school and college life”. How healthy are you?

Check your knowledge.

What sort of shape are you in? Are you the sort of person who goes for a run each morning, or are you the other kind who gets out of breath when reaching for a cigarette?

Maybe you have a lot of energy. You go to work or school, you make decisions all day, you do extra work at home. Exercise? You don’t have enough time- why bother anyway?

Well, the answer to that question is your body design. Human beings weren’t built for sitting at a desk all day; your body is constructed for hunting, jumping, lifting, running, climbing and a variety of other activities. If you don’t get the exercise that your body wants, then things can go badly wrong. Your mind works all day, and your body does nothing: the results can vary from depression to severe illness to early death.

Not a very cheerful thought, and of course the natural reaction is “It’s not going to happen to me”. Maybe, maybe not. Here are two ways of looking after yourself: firstly, - by seeing if you are doing the right sort of exercise; and secondly, - by seeing if you have the right kind of diet.

A. Write down all unknown words with the translation:

B. Work in groups of four or five. You are people of different age and social standing. Express your attitude to sport and sportsmen in general.

18. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Спорт популярний в багатьох країнах, крім того багато людей навіть дивляться спорт по телевізору.

2. Гольф - це такий вид спорту, в якому ти намагаєшся закотити м’яч в дірку.

3. Якби м’яч не винайшли, то не було б ніякого спорту.

4. Такі види спорту, як легка атлетика і кінні перегони, являються не дуже популярними видами спорту, як футбол, чи баскетбол.

5. Кожен ранок краще всього розпочинати з вправ і легкого сніданку.

6. Ти маєш багато енергії? Ти ходиш до школи чи на роботу, приймаєш рішення весь день, робиш понаднормову роботу вдома? Найкраще для тебе - це відпочинок, здорова їжа і збалансована дієта, і звичайно плавання після тяжкого робочого тижня.

7. Існує два способи залишатися в гарній формі. По-перше - це слідкувати, чи ти виконуєш правильно вправи. По-друге - це слідкувати, чи ти маєш правильний вид дієти.

8. Я надаю перевагу легкій атлетиці ніж боксу чи боротьбі.

9. Ви займаєтесь легкою атлетикою? Ні. А якому виду спорту ви надаєте перевагу?

10. Два рази в тиждень я зазвичай ходжу в басейн. Я вважаю, що це найкращий спосіб розслабитися і відпочити.

19. Read and translate the text, given below. Answer the questions, which are given under the text.

Since ancient times, Ukrainians were skilful archers, horsemen, and wrestlers. In the XIX century European sports and games were introduced; football and wrestling became the most popular.

Kyiv’s famous soccer team “Dynamo” won the European Cup Holder’s Cup twice, in 1975 and 1985.Oleg Blokhin and Igor Byelanov were named Europe’s best soccer players.

The “Spartak”, handball team from Kyiv, has won 13 European Champion’s Cups. Zinaida Turchyna and Larysa Karlova were named best players in the World and European Championships several times.

The Ukrainian school of gymnastics is recognized the world over. Its representatives Iryna Deriuhina, Oleksandra Tymoshenko, Oksana Skaldina (and others) have won world and European champioships. Larysa Latynina has the longest history of records in the Olympic Games: 18 medals, including 9 gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze.

Valeriy Borzov, the famous sprinter, won 2 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals at the 20th and 21st Olympic Games. Serhiy Bubka, eight times world champion in the pole vault and Olympic champion holds 35 world records. He has been named World’s Best Athlete.

Having just proclaimed its independence, Ukraine sent the national team to the 1994 Olympics. At the XVII Winter Games in Norway, young figure skater Oksana Baiul won the first gold medal for independent Ukraine.

At the 26th Olympic Games in Atlanta, Ukrainian athletes won 9 gold medals, plus a score of silver and bronze.

The names of the winners have become known the world over: all-round Olympic champion in gymnastics Lilia Podkopaeva; Olympic champion in women’s free-style gymnastics Katia Serebrianska; Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling Viacheslav Olinyk; Olympic champion in weight- lifting Tymur Taimazov; Olympic champion in boxing Volodymyr Kliuchko; and others.


  1. What were the most popular sports and games in the late XIX century?

  2. What do you know about Kyiv’s soccer team “Dynamo”?

  3. What can you tell about the “Spartak” handball team from Kyiv?

  4. What do you know about the Ukrainian school of gymnastics?

  5. What can you say about the participation of Ukrainian sportsmen in the Olympic Games?


Archer - ______________________________________________________________________

Horsman - ____________________________________________________________________

Wrestler - _____________________________________________________________________

Wrestling - ____________________________________________________________________

Representatives - _______________________________________________________________

The pole vault - ________________________________________________________________

To proclaim - __________________________________________________________________

All-round - ____________________________________________________________________

A score of - ___________________________________________________________________

Weight-lifting - ________________________________________________________________

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