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  1. Find and read the place in the text which explains Dickens’ words: “In those three words (Dombey and Son) was the one idea of Mr. Dombey’s life.”

  2. Did Mr. Dombey dislike or love his daughter?

  3. What can you say about Solomon Gills and his nephew Walter?

  4. Find in the text the explanation of the words: “No more admirals. The lord Mayor is your admiral.”

  5. Give the description of Captain Cuttle.

  6. Read in the text about Florence who found herself alone in the City of London.

  7. Describe the meeting Walter and Florence.

  8. What did Walter dream about?

  9. Why did Walter go to Mr. Dombey’s house?

  10. Retell how Mr.Dombey explain to Paul the power of money.

9. Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (12-20) choose the correct answer (a, b, c, d).

The offices of Dombey and Son were in the City of London. Ev­erywhere there were shops selling things (12) __________ for ships and sail­ing.

The master and owner of one of these shops was an elderly gentle­man whose name was Solomon Gills. His friends (13) ______ him old Sol. He lived here, too, all alone with his nephew Walter, a boy of four­teen.

It was half past five o'clock and an autumn afternoon. The work in the City was over, and people were going home.

"Where is Walter, I wonder!" said Solomon Gills after (14) ________ at his watch. "Dinner is ready, and no Walter."

"Hallo, Uncle Sol"

"Hallo, my boy!" (15) ________ the old man, turning round. "What! You are here, are you!"

"I have," said his uncle. "No more mugs now. We must (16) ________ to drink out of glasses today, Walter. We are men of business. We be­long to the City. We started in life this morning."


A essential

B indispensable

C necessary

D required


A titled

B named

C called

D qualified


A watching

B looking

C observing

D seeing


A shouted

B yelled

C screamed

D cried


A approach

B lead

C start

D begin

10. Read the abstract below. For each of the empty space (17-21) choose the correct answer (a, b, c, d).

Thus Paul grew to be nearly five years old. He was a pretty little fellow, but not healthy. He was childish and sportive enough at times.' But, at other times, he often (17) ______ and thought in his little armchair, and then he looked and talked like a very-very old man. It mostly happened when his tittle arm-chair (18) ________ into his father's room after, and he sat there with him by the fire.

One day. When they were sitting like this, little Paul said:

"Papa! what's money?"

Mr. Dombey (19) _______.

"What is money, Paul?" he answered. "Money?"

"Yes," said the child, (20) ______ at Mr. Dombey: "what is money?"

Mr. Dombey was in a difficulty.


A have sat

B sat

C sitting

D was sitting


A was carried

B carried

C has carried

D carry


A was surprising

B have surprised

C was surprised

D surprised


A was looking up

B was looked up

C have looked up

D looking up


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