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Health protection

The list of words:

To avoid – уникати

To catch an illness – підхватити хворобу

Diphtheria – дифтерія

Measles – кір

Scarlet fever - скарлатина

Whooping cough – кашлюк

Infections – інфекція

Disease – хвороба

Smallpox – віспа

Plague – чума

Diabetes – діабет

Cholera – холера

Heart attack – серцевий напад

Mumps – свинка

Asthma – астма

Bleeding – кровотеча

Abscess boil – абсцес, нарив

Quinsy – ангіна

Sore throat – хворе горло

Burn – опік (сонячний)

Scald – опік (гаряча вода, кислота і т.п.)

Nausea – нудота

Injury – пошкодження

Poisoning – отруєння

Medical aid – медична допомога

Ambulance – карета швидкої

Complications – ускладнення

Policlinic – поліклініка

Maternity hospital – пологовий будинок

To recover –видужувати

Injection – ін’єкція

Bandage – пов’язка

Ward, room – палата

Cotton – вата

Aspirin – аспірин

Mustard plasters – гірчичники

To check blood pressure – перевірити тиск

Cure – лікувати

Treatment – лікування

To take medicine – приймати ліки

To keep a diet – дотримуватися дієти

To write out the prescription – виписати рецепт

To be laid up with – злягти з

To breath in deeply – глибоко вдихнути

To pull out one’s tooth – вирвати зуб

To check smb’s heart, lungs, stomach….. – оглянути яиєсь серце, легені, шлунок...

To have one’s tooth filled – піти, щоб запломбували зуб

To be on a sick leave – бути на лікарняному

To die of – померти від

To be allergic to – мати алергію на

Sneeze – чхати

Insomnia – безсоння

False teeth – вставні зуби

Long sight – далекозорість

Short sight – близорукість

Oculist – окуліст

Optician – оптик

Complain – скаржитися

Physician – лікар, терапевт

Surgeon – хірург

Dermatologist – дерматолог

Obstetrician – акушер

Nervous breakdown – нервовий зрив

To feel sick and giddy – відчувати нудоту і запаморочення

Chest – грудна клітина

Shoulder – плече

Lung – легеня

Kidney – нирка

Back – спина

Loins, small of the back – поперек

Finger – палець

Nail – ніготь

Toe – палець на нозі

Knee – коліно

Elbow – лікоть

Wrist – зап’ястя

Ankle – щиколотка

Chin – підборіддя

Heel – п’ята

Hip – стегно

Liver – печінка

Collar bone – ключиця

Throat – горло

Thigh – стегно

Waist – талія

1. A. Read and translate the text. Bedside manner and something more? …

Medicineis the art and science of healing. It encompasses a range ofhealth carepractices evolved to maintain and restorehumanhealthby thepreventionandtreatmentofillness. Contemporary medicine applieshealth science,biomedical research, andmedical technologytodiagnoseand treatinjuryanddisease, typically throughmedication,surgery, or some other form oftherapy. The wordmedicineis derived from theLatinars medicina, meaningthe art of healing. Though medical technology and clinical expertise are pivotal to contemporary medicine, successful face-to-face relief of actualsufferingcontinues to require the application of ordinary humanfeelingandcompassion, known in English as "bedside manner."

Bedside manneris a term describing how a healthcare professional handles apatient. A good bedside manner is typically one that reassures and comforts the patient. Vocal tones,body language, openness, presence, and concealment of attitude may all affect bedside manner. Poor bedside manner leaves the patient feeling unsatisfied, worried, alone, or frightened. Bedside manner becomes difficult when a healthcare professional explains to the patient the true diagnosis, while keeping the patient from being alarmed.

Patient safetyis a relatively recent initiative in healthcare, emphasizing the reporting, analysis and prevention ofmedical errorandadverse healthcare events. The frequency and magnitude of avoidable adverse events was not well known until the 1990s, when reports in several countries revealed a staggering number of patient injuries and deaths each year. Patient safety initiatives include application of lessons learned from business and industry, advancing technologies, education of providers and the public, disclosure of errors, and economic incentives. A large number of organizations internationally promote patient safety issues.

Unforeseen bad outcomes of medical treatment cause harm to patients; Greek healers knew this in the 4th Century B.C., when the Hippocratic Oathpledged to "prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone." However, despite an increasing emphasis on thescientific basis of medical practicein Europe and the United States in the late 19th Century, data on adverse outcomes were hard to come by and the various studies commissioned collected mostly anecdotal events.

In the United States, the public and the medical specialty of anesthesiawere shocked in April 1982 by theABCtelevision program20/20entitledThe Deep Sleep. Presenting accounts of anesthetic accidents, the producers stated that, every year, 6,000 Americans die or suffer brain damage related to these mishaps. In 1983, the BritishRoyal Society of Medicineand theHarvard Medical Schooljointly sponsored a symposium on anesthesia deaths and injuries, resulting in an agreement to share statistics and to conduct studies. By 1984 the American Society of Anesthesiologists had established the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. The APSF marked the first use of the term "patient safety" in the name of professional reviewing organization.

Although anesthesiologists comprise only about 5% of physicians in the United States, anesthesiology became the leading medical specialty addressing issues of patient safety. Likewise in Australia, the Australian Patient Safety Foundationwas founded in 1989 for anesthesia error monitoring. Both organizations were soon expanded as the magnitude of the medical error crisis became known.


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