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2. Read the text.

Infidelity and the threat of it are the largest threats to a marriage. However, it is not necessarily fatal. It is possible to heal the marriage and even become closer than before this happened. This article explores ways of dealing with infidelity and looks at some of the things that cause it to take place.

Emotional Infidelity

The question of infidelity has become much broader as individuals have obtained easier access to others through the internet. Many often satisfy their wish for other relationships or for fantasy and adventure through activities online. When we do not see or have to interact with another in person, there is comfortable distance, which leads one to believe that nothing is going on. Individuals often feel they can easily exchange intimacies. Demands made upon one another and can be handled easily through a few words. This stimulates a hotbed of fantasy and it becomes easy to feel one has someone in their life who cares and is there for them. Before they know it, excitement, attachment or dependency arises, and interferes with feelings towards the spouse.

This is a dangerous arena to go into. To protect the well-being of your marriage, stay away from it. Realize that online relationships, or other relationships where your feelings and fantasies become stirred up are a temptation to enter into fantasy. Inevitably, they make your primary relationship at home seem less important to you.

There is a thin line here and it is crossed easily. Define and set boundaries for your emotions and needs. If there is a reason why they are not being fulfilled at home, talk it out as soon as possible, create quality time together, explore new ways of enjoying each other and breaking a possibly deadening routine.

All marriages go through challenges. Whether these challenges destroy your relationship or make it stronger, is up to both of you. It takes two to make this commitment, however. One person cannot do it alone.


a) Find the synonyms in the text.

a question


to protect




an attachment


a spouse


to interract


an individual


to destroy


b) Find the opposite in the text.



to become








to arise




a demand


c) Translate the phrases into English.

1. Емоційна зрада.


2. Врятувати шлюб і , навіть, стати ближчими ніж раніше.


3. Проблема (питання) стосовно невірності стала більш ширшою.

4. Зручна дистанція, яка переконує (схиляє) одного в тому, що нічого не відбувається (продовжується).

5. Захистити добробут (процвітання) шлюбу.

6. Відносини в Інтернеті розпалюють сварки.

7. Всі шлюби зазнають сумнівів.

d) Complete the sentences.

1. It is possible …… heal the marriage and even become closer ………..before this happened.

2. Many often satisfy their wish ………… other relationships or ………… fantasy and adventure through activities online.

3. This stimulates … hotbed of fantasy and it becomes easy to feel one has someone … their life who cares and is there ….. them. Before they know it, excitement, attachment or dependency arises, and interferes with feelings towards the spouse.

4. All marriages go ……. challenges.

5. To protect the well-being …. your marriage, stay away ….. it.

6. Infidelity and the threat …… it are the largest threats to …. marriage.

7. Before they know it, excitement, attachment or dependency arises, and interferes ……. feelings ……. the spouse.

e) Circle the right variant.

1. When we do not see or have to/- interact with another in person, there is/are comfortable distance, which leads one to believe that nothing is going on.

2. The question of/from infidelity has become much broader as individuals have to/- obtained easier access to others through the internet.

3. This is a dangerous arena to go through/into.

4. Before they know/knows it, excitement, attachment or dependency arise/arises, and interferes with feelings towards the spouse.

5. One person cannot do about it/-it alone.

6. Define and set boundaries about/for your emotions and needs.

7. If there is/are a reason why they are not being fulfilled at home, talk it out as soon as possible, create quality time together, explore new ways on/of enjoying each other and breaking a/- possibly deadening routine.

Additional topical vocabulary

husband – чоловік

wife – дружина

to be head over ears in love with smb. - бути закоханим по вуха

to dote on smb. – любити до безтями

wedding ring – весільна обручка

bouquet – букет квітів

groom – наречений

bride - наречена

to be blind to one's faults – не помічати недоліків

to care for smb. - любити

it's a passing fancy – випадкове зохоплення

it's an infatuation,onJy – пристрасна закоханість

to make smb's acquaintance - познайомити

to get acquainted with smb. - познайомитися

to court smb.- залицятися

to have a steady – міцно дружити

to propose to smb. – пропонувати (одружитися, зустрічатися)

to accept one's proposal – погодитися (одружитися, зустрічатися)

to turn smb. down / to reject smb. – відмовити (одружитися, зустрічатися)

to be engaged to smb. – бути зарученим

engagement - заручини

to announce one's engagement – заявити про заручини

to marry for love – одружуватися по коханню

to marry for money – одружуватися через гроші

to many for convenience – одружуватися через вигоду

to have a white wedding – мати чудове біле весілля

a love match – закохана пара

a young couple – молода пара

newly-weds - молодята

just married - молодята

to go on a honeymoon – поїхати в медовий місяць

maid of honour - дружка

the best man - дружок

a stag /hen party – холостяцька / дівоча вечірка

an illegal marriage – незаконний (громадянський) шлюб

a marriage certificate – свідоцтво про одруження

to have a civil ceremony / marriage – цивільна церемонія

in a registry office - РАЦС

to marry in church - вінчатися

to be married in a civil form of marriage – бути одруженим громадянським шлюбом

to be married in a religious rite – бути одруженим згідно релігіозного обряду


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