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22. Fill in the sentences with the missed words.

fewer children, countries, global population, planning, resources, projections, manageable size, expand, overpopulation, to reproduce, to care , hunger ,fresh water, children, hygiene

Have Fewer Children — or None 1. ___________ is arguably the world’s most serious environmental problem, because it exacerbates all of the others. 2. The _________ grew from 3 billion in 1959 to 6 billion in 1999, an increase of 100 percent in just 40 years. 3. According to current_________ , the world population will ______ to 9 billion by 2040, a slower growth rate than during the last half of the 20th century but one that will leave us with many more people to accommodate. 4. Planet Earth is a closed system with limited resources—only so much _______ and clean air, only so many acres of land for growing food. 5. As the world population grows, our __________ must stretch to serve more and more people. 6. At some point, that will no longer be possible. Ultimately, we need to reverse this growth trend by gradually bringing the human population of our planet back down to a more _____ ________. 7. This means more people must decide to have____ ______. 8. This may sound pretty simple on the surface, but the drive to ________ is fundamental in all species and the decision to limit or forgo the experience is an emotional, cultural or religious one for many people.9. In many developing__________, large families can be a matter of survival. 10. Parents often have as many _____ as possible to ensure that some will live to help with farming or other work, and _____ for the parents when they are old. 11. For people in cultures like these, lower birth rates will only come after other serious issues such as poverty, _______, poor sanitation and freedom from disease have been adequately addressed. 12. In addition to keeping your own family small, consider supporting programs that fight hunger and poverty, improve sanitation and ____ or promote family and reproductive health in developing nations.

23. Match word or word combination with its definition

1. to exacerbate

a. a condition or practice conducive to the preservation of health, as cleanliness

2. population

b continuity, durability, endurance

3 to accommodate.

c.to make (something that is already bad) worse

4. to reproduce

d. all the people living in a particular country, area, or place

5. sanitation

e. to give a place for a living

6. projection

f. to give a birth to future generation

7. survival

g. a compelling need or desire for food

8. hunger

h. the act of visualizing and regarding an idea or the like as an objective reality

9. hygiene

i. the disposal of sewage and solid waste

10. to expand

j. to increase in extent, size, volume


k. the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support

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