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Exercise 5

Translate the sentences into English, using Infinitive where needed

  1. Було приємно прогулюватися в лісі такого спекотного дня.

  2. Я надто погано почуваюся, аби їхати з вами на дачу.

  3. Перший, хто їх зустрів, був поважний джентельмен з розкішними вусами.

  4. Перше, що потрібно зробити, - виписати незнайому лексику з тексту.

  5. Йому не лишалося нічого іншого, окрім як визнати свою провину.

  6. Вона відчула, як хтось доторкнувся до її плеча.

  7. Чесно кажучи, його розповідь зовсім мене не вразила.

Exercise 6

a) Translate the sentences from English into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the Infinitive as Parenthesis. b) Make up the sentences of your own

    1. To be perfectly frank, you are a bad driver.

    2. To be honest, I just don’t like him.

    3. To be fair (to him), he wasn’t entirely to blame.

    4. To cut a long story short, we said “No!”

    5. To tell you the truth, I’ve never met him.

    6. I’ve never met him, to tell you the truth.

    7. He was rude, to say the least of it.

    8. To put it mildly, he was not up to the mark.

    9. To speak the truth, I have been a little troubled, but it is over. (Dickens)

Exercise 7

Make up your own sentences with the following Introductory or Final Infinitive phrases:

to anticipate a little, to be sure, to conclude (to sum up), needless to say, not to mention, to put it another way, to say nothing of, so to speak, suffice it to say, that is to say, to tell the truth

Exercise 8 Organize the expressions into the sentences and translate them

  1. A great household (such as Shakespeare depicts in Twelfth Night or Lear) might consist of several hundred persons — family, dependants, expert officials — to say nothing of the scores of guests and neighbors.

  2. To put the matter in another way, word-symbols possess the power of absorbing the meaning of the surrounding context, which can then be discarded without appreciable loss.

  3. To return to our play, it is evident that «Phedre» is the ideal type of a baroque tragedy, not only by its style, but by its basic conception.

  4. begin with, the concept of related languages was strikingly confirmed by the existence in far-off India, of a sister of the familiar languages of Europe (Sanscrit).

  5. To pass now from the outer form of words to their inner meaning, there is again so much that is common to all mankind, that we cannot be surprised to find a number of correspondences between languages widely apart.

  6. The harbors of Nagasaki and Yokohama, to mention only two, are the most convenient.

Exercise 9

State the syntactic function of the Infinitive. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

  1. Esarhaddon, in accordance with Assyrian custom made the suppliants pay dearly for the help given them, for tribute and takes were imposed on their cities.

  2. The American Indians, particularly the Plain Tribes, had a system of gestures or sign-language that enabled members of different tribes, speaking totally different languages, to communicate with one another, and also with the white man.

  3. His acts of violence had caused him to be bitterly hated by the natives who surrounded him.

  4. Between the Coral islands in the Tuamotu Archipelago, Magellan ordered his sounding line to be lowered.

  5. The use of the Chinese written characters, which required a different sign for each word, was made easier by introducing signs for syllables. This helped to make the written language conform more nearly to everyday speech.

  6. The alteration of the position of the accent had caused another change in pronunciation to take place, namely, the change of the vowel into [э] in the second syllable.

  7. In this part of the tool there is an irregularly made hole of a size large enough to allow a strong cord to pass through for the purpose of suspension.

  8. Some opponents of that school would have us believe that the historical studies were simply disguised theorizing.

  9. The warm climate and the mild temperature of this part of the country caused man in Early Paleolithic time, to prefer stations in the open, and so he encamped on the lower slopes of hills, or on the sandy shores of rivers.

  10. This author unites the Basque in one group with the African and the Semitic languages, making the Caucasian languages to form a second branch.

Exercise 10

Translate the sentences paying attention to the verb to fail and the noun failure followed by infinitive

  1. The knight now attempted to unsheath the sword in his belt, but his arm failed to obey his will, and he fell to the ground.

  2. Wilde's theory of life was not a deep one, and his plays are consequently a little artificial, and, as before mentioned, fail especially in character-drawing.

  3. The stone artifacts fail to show any consistency pattern of fracturing and could easily have been produced by one or more natural forces.

  4. He (Dickens) sometimes failed as an artist, but the greater part of his work is sound in this respect.

  5. Failure to realize this fact has led to many extravagant claims made by some enthusiasts. These studies could not fail to throw light upon many an aspect of history and archaeology, but their immediate interest lay in what they told about human speech.

  6. After his failure to relieve Nicae the sultan had withdrawn eastward to gather his own force and to conclude peace and alliance with the Emir.

  7. No one, examining the evidence of Greek failure, cultural and social-political, can fail to perceive how closely the two aspects are interwoven.

Exercise 11

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the modality of the utterance

  1. The earliest tablets to be discovered were of the native wood.

  2. These printed lists contain material not to be found elsewhere.

  3. The last problem to be considered is that dealing with the tablets.

  4. The first European (Magellan) ever to sail across the wide Pacific was curious about the hidden worlds beneath his ship.

  5. The choice of the road to be taken was not difficult. The Army was moving northwards.

  6. Kyushu was the first island to be greatly affected by intercourse with Europe in the sixteenth century.

  7. Evidently our power of making this comparison depends upon our knowledge of the things to be compared.

  8. The Globe playhouse was opened in 1599, and it has been thought probable that «Julius Caesar» was the first Shakespeare play to be presented there.

  9. It will be seen that while the idealist explanation tries to relate the phenomenon to be explained to some spiritual cause, the materialist explanation relates it to material causes.

  10. Did human beings always possess the power of speech? If not, when and how did they acquire it? Are human beings the only ones to have it?

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