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1. Translate the sentences into English

  1. Якби він працював регулярно протягом усього семестру, зараз він би не боявся екзаменів.

  2. Якби ми відіслали листа учора, вони б отримали його завтра вранці.

  3. Якби ми знали його домашню адресу, ми б повідомили йому про результати екзаменів ще вчора.

  4. Ви б краще знали мову, якби прочитали влітку декілька книжок англійською мовою.

  5. Якби він мав почуття гумору, він би не образився.

  6. Якби вони були закохані один в одного, вони б давно одружилися.

  7. Якби я приніс словник , я зміг би перекласти цю статтю сьогодні.

Wishes (If only)



wish/if only

(regret about the present)

+ past simple/past continuous

we’d like something to be different in the present

I wish you were here. (It’s a pity you are not here now.)

She wishes she could play the piano. (She cannot play the piano.)



wish/if only

(regret about the past)

+ past perfect

regret that something happened or didn’t happen in the past

If only you had told me about your problems. (You didn’t tell me about your problems.)



wish/if only

(impossible wish for a future change)

+ would + bare infinitive

a) polite request implying dissatisfaction or lack of hope;

b) to express our desire for a change in a situation or wish to express dissatisfaction

I wish he would stop making that noise. (But I don’t think he will.)

I wish you would be more careful and attentive!(Please be more careful and attentive!)

In wishes, we go one tense back. This means that we use the Past Simple in the present or the Past Perfect in the past.

She is not here. I wish she were here. (present)

I didn’t tell him about it yesterday. I wish I had told him about it yesterday.


  1. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate auxiliary verb.

Example: I’m not very tall but I wish …was/were

  1. I’m not at home but I wish I ………………………………………………. .

  2. I can’t sing well but I wish I ………………………………………………. .

  3. I didn’t go to the doctor but I wish I ………………………………………. .

  4. I don’t earn a lot of money but I wish I ………………................................ .

  5. She probably won’t listen but I wish she ………………………………….. .

  6. She is not going to the cinema but I wish she ……………………………… .

  7. They haven’t got any children but they wish they ………………………… .

  8. Jim didn’t tell me the truth but I wish he …………………………………... .

  9. I can’t move into a new flat but I wish I …………………………………… .

  10. I didn’t see the film but I wish I ……………………………………………. .

  11. He doesn’t have a driver’s license but he wishes he ……………………….. .

  12. I don’t have a car but I wish I ………………………………………………. .

  13. Donna doesn’t live close to university but she wishes she ………………… .

  14. He won’t talk about his problems but I wish he …………………………… .

  15. She is not qualified enough for the job but she wishes she ………………... .

  1. Complete the conversations using auxiliary verbs.

Example: A: Do you have breakfast regularly?

B: No, I don’t, but I wish I did.

  1. A: Can you speak Japanese?

B: No, ______________________________________________________ .

  1. A: Did you eat vegetables?

B: No, ______________________________________________________ .

  1. A: Is the weather nice today?

B: No, ______________________________________________________ .

  1. A: Do you know how to play the guitar?

B: No, ______________________________________________________ .

  1. A: Are you good at languages?

B: No, ______________________________________________________ .

  1. A: Did you prepare for the test?

B: No, ______________________________________________________ .

  1. A: Is it hard to learn a second language?

B: Yes, _____________________________________________________ .

  1. Make as many wishes as you can for the following situations.

Example: You are hungry. What do you wish?

I wish I’d eaten breakfast.

I wish I could go to the bar and buy a sandwich.

I wish I were at the restaurant.

1. You are very busy and have a lot of things to do today. 2. You are tired. 3. You want to go swimming but it’s too cold. 4. You’d like to change your life.

5. You’d like to study abroad.

  1. Write sentences as in the example:

You don’t have enough time.

I wish I had enough time. If I had enough time, I would go to the theatre tonight.

  1. You wanted to go to the opera house but you couldn’t buy any tickets anywhere.

  2. It’s a pity I can’t play piano.

I’m sorry I didn’t know you were coming.

  1. You want to visit India but you are frightened to fly.

  2. Michael wanted to go to the park but it was cold yesterday.

  3. You went on holiday; your camera as stolen.

  4. You want to make a cake but you’ve run out of flour.

  5. You wanted to phone Alex but you lost his phone number.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

  1. A: I wish you ………………… (try) harder with your physics home.

B: Sorry. It is very difficult.

  1. A: If only Kelly ………………….. (call) me.

B: Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll phone soon.

  1. A: I wish I …………………… (afford) some new DVDs.

B: Would you like to borrow some of mine?

  1. A: I’m bored. I wish ……………………. (arrange) to go out tonight.

B: I’m going to the theatre. Why don’t you come with me?

  1. A; I wish I…………………. (not/shout) at the children like that.

B: Why? They were being very naughty.

  1. A; If only we …………………… (go) to Italy last summer.

B: We could go this year if you like.

  1. A: Are you going to Ann’s party on Saturday?

B: No. I wish I …………………….. (go), because I’m sure it will be fun.

  1. A: If only it …………………. (stop) raining.

B: Yes. Then we could go to the park.

  1. A: I wish I …………………… (be) back at university again.

B: Those were great days, weren’t they?

  1. A: I wish Nick ………………… (stop) listening to music so loudly.

B: Why don’t you ask him to turn it down?

  1. A: If only I …………………….. (buy) those jeans I saw today.

B: Why not go back and buy them tomorrow?

  1. A: I wish you ……………………. (help) me with the housework more often.

B: What would you like me to do?

  1. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Вона жалкує, що не знала про це раніше.

  2. Прикро, що йде дощ. Я б хотів, щоб була хороша погода, тоді ми змогли б поїхати відпочити.

  3. Прикро, що вона така легковажна.

  4. Якби зараз було літо!

  5. Прикро, що ви не зайшли до нас учора.

  6. Я жалкую, що не недослухався до вашої поради.

  1. Мені б дуже хотілося, щоб ви не перебивали мене щохвилини.

  2. Вони пожалкували, що не полетіли до Одеси літаком, вони б зберегли стільки часу!

  3. Прикро, що я не можу прочитати цю книгу мовою оригіналу.

  4. Мені надзвичайно прикро, що я не зможу завтра відвідати вашу лекцію.

  5. Прикро, що я не зможу бути з вами.

  6. Якби ти його бачила саме тоді!

  7. Як би я хотів мати годинник.

  8. Прикро, що ви не прийшли раніше. Ви б зустрілися з моєю сестрою.

  9. Прикро, що я не розповів йому про це вчора.

  10. Я жалкував, що запитав його про це.

  11. Коли б тільки мої батьки мешкали у Києві!

  12. Прикро, що я не взяв у борг грошей і не придбав словник. Тепер його немає в продажу.

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