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26. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Tom does his daily dozen every morning as soon as he rises. He says it does him far more good than extra five minutes in bed.

2. Bobby thinks it is very useful to stretch his legs every evening.

3. George is out, he has just gone for a leg-stretcher.

4. When will our team play ball with yours?

5. Things would go better if you would learn to play ball.

6. Inessa Kravets set a new record in the triple jump event at the World Athletics Championship in 1995.

7. Serhiy Bubka, the world famous pole vaulter, swept the board clean and was the first Ukrainian sportsman to receive the prestigious title “ Merited Master of Sport of Ukraine”, followed by that “ Master of Sport, International Class”, holder of 35 world records, whose 35th record was registered in 1994, when he chalked up 6.14 in Sistieri, Italy.

8. I knew I could win out if I just kept trying.

9. My horse won out over yours, so you lost your bet.

10. John ran the fastest race he could, but he only won by a nose.

11. Sally won the race, but she only won by a neck.

12. William was down on his luck and won the wooden spoon in the European Championship.

13. The score was ten to twelve in our favour.

14. At the end of the second half, the score was forty to three in the other’s team’s favour.

15. Peter kicked off in the last game. Now it’s my turn.

16. Ben tripped when he was kicking off.

17. Bill is on the bench now, I hope he gets to play.

18. Dick played during the first quarter, but now he’s on the bench.

19. Mary never warms the bench. She plays from the beginning to the end.

20. Harry spent the whole game warming the bench.

21. Mike doesn’t play, he is the twelth man. He hopes he will play cricket on this grass field next time.

22. Henry played so badly that the coach sent him to the showers after the third quarter.

23. After the first fight, the coaches sent both players to the showers.

24. James like listening to play-by-play stories, she always turns on the radio in order to listen to news reports covering local and international sports events.

25. Tony is not particularly attractive man physically, but he has a rare talent: he is keen on the sport of kings.

26. Linda didn’t approve her husband’s hobby- the sport of kings.

27. We are not pushing together. I’ll give you a “ready, steady, go”, and shove as hard as you can.

28. Alice set the world free style record, she swims like a cork.

29. Andy won the butterfly event. Everyone knows that he swims like a duck.

30. Laura is afraid of boating. She can row very well. But she swims like a stone.

31. Jessica wants to learn swimming and then take a course of training at the yacht-club. But now she swims like a tailor’s goose.

Grammar spot Wishes (If only)



wish/if only

(regret about the present)

+ past simple/past continuous

we’d like something to be different in the present

I wish you were here. (It’s a pity you are not here now.)

She wishes she could play the piano. (She cannot play the piano.)



wish/if only

(regret about the past)

+ past perfect

regret that something happened or didn’t happen in the past

If only you had told me about your problems. (You didn’t tell me about your problems.)



wish/if only

(impossible wish for a future change)

+ would + bare infinitive

a) polite request implying dissatisfaction or lack of hope;

b) to express our desire for a change in a situation or wish to express dissatisfaction

I wish he would stop making that noise. (But I don’t think he will.)

I wish you would be more careful and attentive!(Please be more careful and attentive!)

In wishes, we go one tense back. This means that we use the Past Simple in the present or the Past Perfect in the past.

She is not here. I wish she were here. (present)

I didn’t tell him about it yesterday. I wish I had told him about it yesterday.

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