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19. Mind the vocabulary. Write and act out a dialogue on the topic “At the doctor’s”. Use phrases below as a model:

Be sure to follow my directions

To have a running nose

The worst is over

To be getting weaker

As good as new

No change

Nothing wrong with ….

As fit as a fiddle

Just a matter of time

Miraculous recovery

20. Match the sympthoms with the replies of the doctor:

1. I’ve been suffering from insomnia lately. Do you think I might be heading for a nervous breakdown?

2. I seem to have some sort of stye infection in my eye. Do you think I might have conjunctivitis?

3. I can’t stop scratching this place on my foot. To you think it’s athlete foot?

4. I’ve got a rather sore throat, I keep feeling a bit flushed. Do you think it could be a flu?

5. I’ve got a big bump on the back of the head. Do you think it might be more than a bruise?

6. I keep getting shooting pains down my shin and ankle. Is it possible that I sprained or broken it?

a. Possible. Try this lotion for a few days to stop the itching.

b. unlikely, but I’ll let you have some cough mixture to relieve the sympthoms. You can get yourself some lozenges, if you like.

c. I would doubt it. Here, rub this cream in for the next few days for help reduce the swelling.

d. No, of course not! But I’ll prescribe some barbiturates – sleeping pills- to help you to have a good night rest!

e. I wouldn’t have thought so. But I’ll give you a prescription to some drops to clear it up.

f. Well, X-ray didn’t show anything. If it’s so painful, you’d better have some crutches to ease the pain.

21. Choose the right answer:

  1. The nurse put a …on the wound.

a. bandage b. cloth c. material d. towel

  1. Take two of these … three times a day.

a. capsules b. drugs c. placebos d. prescriptions

  1. Illness can be stopped before it happens by means of … .

a. after-care b. prescription c. therapy d. prophylaxis

  1. You’ve got a headache, why don’t you take a ….of aspirin?

a. couple b. couplet c. pair d. prescription

5. Can you ….a good pill against the airsickness?

a. advice b. propose c. recommend d. suggest

6. The … is teaspoonful, to be taken three times a day.

a. medicine b. measure c. dose d. quantity

7. One way to get rid of hiccups is to …your breath for as long as possible.

a. catch b. draw c. hold d. take

8. Many herbs are well-known for their healing …

a. contents b. medicines c. parts d. properties

9. The medicine he takes can only … the pain. It cannot get rid of it completely.

a. heal b. remedy c. relieve d. solve

10. You’ll feel better, after you’ve taken a …of cough medicine.

a. dose b. helping c. portion d. ration

22. Read to the complaints below. If you were a doctor what would be your recommendations?

1. I’ve got a dull ache in my arm and occasionally I get a spasm.

2. I think, I have broken my leg! I feel so much sharp pain.

3. I’ve got these tiny bumps al over the back of my neck. Do you think it may be a gland trouble?

4. I’ve come out I on a rash on my chest. Do you think it could be a skin disease?

5. I keep getting short of breath. Is there any way I could be suffering from asthma?

6. I think I’ve got ulcer in my mouth. Do you think it could be the sigh that I’m run down?

7. I feel so feverish, and I’m sure I’ve got a temperature. I’m so afraid that there’s something wrong with my heart.

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