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18. Translate the proverbs into Ukrainian and explain them in English.

1. Appetite comes with eating –

2. Have a huge/big/voracious appetite –

3. Lose one's appetite –

4. Spoil/ruin one's appetite –

5. The belly has no ears

6. The bread and butter of a person –

7. Eat like a bird –

8. Eat like a horse

9. I could eat a horse –

10. I couldn't eat another thing –

11. Big/light/fussy, etc. eater –

12. Eat smb out of house and home –

13. Eat smb's bread –

14. High tea –

15. Packed lunch –

16. Cooked breakfast –

17. Have a snack/a bite –

18. Square meal –

19. Home cooking –

20. Wine and dine smb –

21. Make one's mouth water–

22. Melt in one’s mouth –

23. Smack one's lips –

24. To my taste –

25. To taste –

26. Tastes differ

27. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile –

28. You are what you eat –

29. Eat, drink, and be merry (for tomorrow we die) –

19. Match the following English idioms to their respective dictionary definitions.

▪ Bread and butter

▪ Eat a lot of someone’s supply of food

▪ Fussy eater

▪ Eat very little

▪ Eat smb out of house and home

▪ Live on somebody

▪ Eat like horse

▪ A good satisfying meal

▪ Eat smb’s bread

▪ Entertain with a meal and wine

▪ Square meal

▪ Someone who eats only particular things

▪ Wine and dine smb

▪ Eat large amounts of food

▪ Eat like a bird

▪ The work that provides one’s main source of income

20. Rewrite the sentences in non-idiomatic English.

Model: My friend is trying to lose weight by eating like a bird. She wants to have a slender figure. She eats neither cakes nor sweets.

1. My friend is trying to lose weight by eating like a bird. 2. My father eats like a horse. 3. I could eat a horse. 4. This was just bread-and-butter work. 5. We have high tea at about 5 o'clock. 6. My friends and I had a snack in a brightly lit snack bar. 7. Let's have a bite before going for a walk. 8. My brother cannot do without a square meal. 9. My parents were being wined and dined by their friends. 10. The smell made my mouth water. 11. I looked at the dish and smacked my lips. 12. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. 13. You are what you eat. 14. This pie makes my mouth water. 15. My sister's children are rather fussy eaters. 16. My cousin eats a lot. She's a big eater. 17. Don't eat these sweets. It will spoil your appetite for dinner. 18. The pie really melts in your mouth. 19. Add sugar and milk to taste. 20. My friend has a square meal in the morn­ing. 21. The Browns wined and dined their guests on Sunday.

21. Fill in the text with English equivalents of the words. Food for Thought

The World Health Organization (занепокоїна) _____________ about what we eat. After (дослідження) _____________ the problem, it has calculated that by near 2230, the entire population of the USA will be dangerously (важити більше норми) ______________. (Неповноцінна їжа) ________________ is now (доступна) _________________ world-wide. Everyone knows that food like this can make you (важити більше норми) _________________, but recently (вчені) _______________ have been (попереджали) _________________ of other dangers of a (неповноцінної їжі).

If you live in the USA, your (бургер з яловичини) ____________________ probably comes from a cow that has been (годувалась) _______________ special (гормони) _______________ to make it grow faster. (Вчені стверджують) __________________ that meat-eaters are 40% more likely to get (рак) ____________ than (вегетаріанці) _________________, partly because of food (добавки) ________________.

Many of the tastiest foods like (чіпси) ____________, (тістечка) ____________ and (шоколад) ______________ contain very high (рівень) ______________ (жиру) __________. However, American (вчені) _____________ recently announced that they had (винайшли) _____________ a (жир) ____________ that you can eat forever without (набираючи вагу) _________________. Olestra is (унікальна) ____________ because it (містить) ___________ no (калорій) __________ but looks, feels and (смакує) ____________ exactly like the real thing. You can even (готувати) ___________ with it.

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