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John Maynard Keynes

( 18831946)

1. J.M. Keynes was a British economist whose ideas, called Keynesian economics, had a major impact on modern economic and political theory as well as on many governments' fiscal policies. Keynes advocated interventionist government policy. He is one of the fathers of modern theoretical macroeconomics and often considered to be the most influential economist of the 20th century.

2. The son of a noted British economist, Keynes amassed a fortune through speculation in stocks and commodities. He served the British government as a financial adviser and treasury official through most of his adult life and was a key participant in the negotiations following both World Wars I and II.

3. It was at the time of the Great Depression that Keynes’ General Theory of Unemployment, Interest, and Money (1936) was published. The General Theory transformed economic thinking in the 20th century, much the way that The Wealth of Nations had in the 18th century. In his magnum opus Keynes laid the foundation for the branch of economics termed "Macroeconomics" today.

4. Keynes demonstrated that it was possible for total supply and demand to be at equilibrium at a point well under full employment. What is more, Keynes demonstrated that unemployment could persist indefinitely, unless someone stepped in to increase total demand.

5. The “someone” Keynes had in mind was government. He reasoned that if government spent money on public works, the income received by formerly idle workers would lead to increased demand, a resurgence of business activity and the restoration of full employment. The suggestion that government abandon laissez faire in favor of active role in economic stabilization was regarded as revolutionary. Since then the ideas advanced by the “Keynesian Revolution” have become part of conventional wisdom.

Vі. A). Прочитайте питання до 1-го абзацу тексту. Із поданих варіантів відповіді вкажіть номер речення, яке містить правильну відповідь на поставлене запитання:

What was Keynes?

1. … a British economist of the 16th century

2. … an British economist of the 20th century

3. … an American economist of the 20th century

b). Прочитайте питання до 2-го абзацу тексту. Із поданих варіантів відповіді вкажіть номер речення, яке містить правильну відповідь на поставлене запитання:

How did Keynes make fortune?

1. … thanks to position of a treasury official

2. … thanks to position of a financial adviser

3. … thanks to speculation in stocks and commodities

c). Прочитайте питання до 3-го абзацу тексту. Із поданих варіантів відповіді вкажіть номер речення, яке містить правильну відповідь на поставлене запитання:

What branch of economics was originated by Keynes in the General theory?

1. … microeconomics

2. … macroeconomics

3. … marketing

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  1. Граматичні функції та значення слів that, one, it.

  2. Пасивний стан ( The Passive Voice ) часових форм Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect.

  3. Функції дієслів to be, to have, to do.

  4. Прості неозначені форми дієслова. Інфінітив в функції а) підмета; б) частини складеного присудка; в) означення; г) обставини мети.

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