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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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II. Translate in written form paragraphs 2,5,7,8 from the text.

III. Answer the questions in written form.

  1. What kind of monarchy is Great Britain?

  2. Is the queen’s power hereditary or elective?

  3. Who is the virtual ruler of the country?

  4. What are the functions of the Queen of Britain?

  5. Which body has more power: Parliament or the Government?

  6. How is the choice of the members of the Government exercised?

  7. What kind of state body is the Cabinet: executive, legislative, judicial?

  8. How many members are there in the House of Commons?

  9. Are members of the House of Lords elected?

  10. Which of the two Houses of Parliament has more power?

IV. Match English and Russian equivalents.

  1. hereditary power

a. лидер партии

  1. actual power

b. действительный правитель

  1. virtual ruler

c. вооруженные силы

  1. armed forces

d. оппозиционная партия

  1. party in the opposition

e. наследственная власть

  1. leader of the party

f. действительная власть

  1. in the name of the Queen

g. делать назначения

  1. responsible for all measures

h. от имени королевы

  1. to make appointments

i. ответственный за все

V. Choose the right word or word combination.

  1. The Queen’s power is _____.

a. elective

b. hereditary

c. unlimited

2. Prime Minister is a _____ ruler of the country.

a. formal

b. hereditary

c. virtual

3. The Party which has the majority in the House of Commons forms _____.

a. opposition

b. parliament

c. government

4. It’s the ______ duty to make appointments of all important state offices.

a. Queen’s

b. Prime Minister’s

c. Lord Chancellor

5. The members to the Cabinet are appointed by the _______.

a. Queen

b. Prime Minister

c. Parliament

VI. Translate into English:

  1. Премьер-министр действовал согласно правилам парламентской процедуры.

  2. Королева прибыла, чтобы произнести тронную речь.

  3. Лидер оппозиции и премьер-министр обсуждают этот вопрос с самого утра.

  4. Оппозиция боролась за право послать своих представителей на эту сессию.

  5. Правящий класс регулирует законодательство.

  6. Сейчас правительство готовит новые поправки в законодательство в области международных перевозок.

  7. Посмотри! Полиция разгоняет демонстрантов.

  8. Министр, о котором говорил генеральный прокурор, находиться сейчас за границей.

  9. Правосудие, которое осуществляют судебные органы, строгое, но справедливое.

  10. Защита прав и свобод граждан – одна из важнейших функций Правительства.

VII. Translate into Russian:

  1. The approval of the House of Commons isn’t very important for the Government.

  2. The representatives of both parties took part in the meeting.

  3. The leaders of the parties discussed their policy for the elections.

  4. The supporters of the Prime Minister are very powerful.

  5. The main force of the Government is the Cabinet.

  6. The House of Lords has no influence on the decisions of the Cabinet.

  7. The tradition of holding the Parliament in Place of Westminster dates back to Saxon times.

  8. British Parliament; the oldest in the world; has changed over the centuries and has reflected the class structure and economic basis of feudal and capitalist societies.