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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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IX. Choose the right word:

1. Don’t bother trying the lift, it’s....

a) out of range

b) out of order

c) out of control

d) out and about

2. I... we could meet next week.

a) believe

b) hope

c) wish

d) want

3. We... to live in the country, but now we live in the town.

a) are used

b) get used

c) use

d) used

4. She was the first woman... was elected to parliament.

a) whoever

b) which

c) who

d) what

5. It’ll be my first proper holiday for years, so I am really... it.

a) anticipating

b) expecting

c) looking forward to

d) looking towards

6. Her parents don’t approve... her boyfriend.

a) about

b) of

c) over

d) at

7. I don’t know how she... up with him. She must have the patience of a saint.

a) puts

b) gets

c) copes

d) sits

8. He was accused... robbery.

a) in

b) over

c) at

d) of

9. I don’t like town life but I hope I will soon... to it.

a) used

b) am used

c) get used

d) use

10. My friends gave me a surprise party... was good of them.

a) that

b) which

c) this

d) what

11. I... into your friend David the other day.

a) ran

b) went

c) came

d) moved

12. He comes from Scotland. He... cold weather.

a) used to

b) uses

c) gets used to

d) is used to

13. Of course prices always... up in time of inflation.

a) go

b) raise

c) arise

d) grow

14. The contents of the British Museum are, of course,...

a) valueless

b) priceless

c) worthless

d) unworthy

X. Circle the correct conjunction to complete the following text:

I’ve really got to do something to lose weight because I’m getting much too fat. I wasn’t worried about it until/unless I went to see a doctor. He told me I’d probably have a heart attack until/unless I started eating less. When you’re on a diet you have to resist the temptation to eat even because/though you feel hungry. This may be very hard to do and you certainly need a lot of will-power to succeed. Though/So I’m going to a health farm for a month where I won’t be able to eat and where I’ll have to stick to my diet. That’s exactly the kind of discipline I need because/that’s why I am terribly easily influenced by other people. Whenever/Wherever I see someone having a drink in a TV program, I feel like a drink myself though/and it’s the same with cigarettes and food.

XI. Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech choosing the correct reporting verb from the box given below:

invite, suggest, remind, advise, insist, warn

  1. “When you see Mrs. Anderson, don’t forget to thank her,” she said to her son.

  2. “Why don’t we go to the new Indian restaurant tonight?” she said.

  3. “You must come and have dinner with us,” she said.

  4. “Would you like to join a group of us at the football match on Thursday?” he asked.

  5. “If you want tickets for the next week’s show you’d better book now,” he said.

  6. “If I were you I’d go to the police immediately and tell them everything,” she said.