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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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II. Translate in written form the 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th paragraphs of the text.

  1. Answer the questions in written form.

  1. What are barristers experts in?

  2. What kinds of cases can barrister present in Court?

  3. What is the qualification for a barrister?

  4. What kind of problems does a solicitor deal with?

  5. Do solicitors have a right to speak in any court?

  6. How must solicitors be qualified?

  7. What kind of people are Magistrates? Why are they selected?

  8. Who selects Magistrates?

IV. Find the proper word for each legal profession mentioned in the definitions.

a) an officer acting as a judge in the lower courts;

1) attorney

b) a public official with authority to hear and decide cases in a law court;

2) jury

c) a group of people who swear to give a true decision on issues in a law court;

3) magistrate (Justice of the Peace)

d) an official who investigates the cause of any death thought to be violent or unnatural;

4) barrister

e) a lawyer who has the right to speak and argue in higher law courts;

5) judge

f) a lawyer who prepares legal documents, advises clients on legal matters and speaks for them in lower law courts;

6) coroner

g) a person with legal authority to act for another in business or law.

7) solicitor

V. Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases from the box, using them in the correct form.

To plead guilty; attorney; to recover; to cross-examine; civil action; to inquire into; advocacy; to sentence; at random; solicitor; the dock.

  1. If a person in Britain has a legal problem, he will go and see a _____. In the US, he will go and see a _____.

  2. A case of divorce is a _____.

  3. If you want to _____ your debts, your case will be heard in the Country Court.

  4. _____ is an expert in the interpretation of law. He is also an expert on _____ (the art of presenting cases in Court).

  5. Coroners who have medical or legal training _____violent or unnatural deaths.

  6. A Jury consists of twelve Jurors who are ordinary people chosen _____ from the Electoral Register.

  7. In a Magistrates’ Court the accused is placed in _____.

  8. A defense lawyer in court _____ the witness.

  9. A Judge _____ the accused if he _____.

VI. Translate into English.

  1. В Великобритании существует два класса юристов: адвокаты и поверенные.

  2. Мировые судьи рассматривают большинство гражданских исков и некоторые уголовные дела.

  3. Опытный юрист был приглашен представлять дело в суде.

  4. Защитник сделал все возможное, чтобы выяснить всю правду об обвиняемом.

  5. Когда его арестовали, он потребовал общественного адвоката.

  6. Мистер Блэк был уверен, что его назначат судьей в этом округе.

VII. Give the corresponding passive construction:

  1. We looked through all the advertisements very attentively.

  2. The gardener gathered all the dry leaves and set fire to them.

  3. People will talk much about the successful debut of the young actress, no doubt.

  4. You can rely upon your guide’s experience.

  5. Why didn’t the speaker dwell longer upon this question?

  6. You should send the sick man to hospital. They will look after him much better there.

  7. He was very glad that nobody took notice of his late arrival.

  8. He was a brilliant speaker and, whenever he spoke, the audience listened to him with great attention.

  9. Why did they laugh at him?

  10. Nobody ever referred to that incident again.