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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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XI. Translate into English:

  1. Исправленные тексты лежали на столе. 2. Мужчина, сидящий у окна, сделал вчера интересный доклад. 3. Когда я смотрел этот фильм, я вспоминал свое детство. 4. Опаздывая на переговоры, они ушли до окончания вечера. 5. Не зная грамматических правил, он сделал много ошибок. 6. Я прочел несколько книг этого автора, переведенных на русский язык. 7. Чувствуя себя плохо, я решил остаться дома. 8. Некоторые марки, собранные им, очень любопытны. 9. Гордясь своим отцом, он часто говорит о нем. 10. Как зовут человека, говорящего сейчас по телефону? 11. Я уже проверил сочинения, написанные слушателями моей группы. 12. Покажите мне список аспирантов, продолжающих изучать английский язык. 13. Вы должны быть очень внимательны, играя в шахматы. 14. Будучи очень усталым, я решил остаться дома. 15. Капитан стоял на палубе, давая распоряжения матросам.

XII. Choose the right form of the Participle:

  1. (Когда ему сказали) to stay he refused.

    1. telling

    2. having told

    3. being told

  2. (Сломанные) by the wind the tree was lying on the road.

    1. breaking

    2. having broken

    3. broken

  3. (Получив) the telegram I hurried to meet my friend.

    1. having received

    2. receiving

    3. being received

  4. (Оставшись) alone decided to finish my work.

    1. having left

    2. being left

    3. leaving

  5. (Потеряв) the key I couldn’t enter the flat.

    1. losing

    2. being lost

    3. having lost

  6. The letter (отправленное) today will be received in two days.

    1. sending

    2. being sent

    3. having sent

  7. (Сдав) all the examinations we decided to go on a tour.

    1. having passed

    2. passing

    3. being passed

Контрольная работа № 5

I. Read the text. The Federal and State Court Systems in the usa.

The United States possesses a unique court system in that there is a state system and a federal system.

State courts determine almost all questions concerning wills, crime, contracts, personal injuries, and domestic relations. Federal jurisdiction is invoked in questions concerning the United States Constitution, federal laws, conflicts between states, and civil suits involving citizens of different states. This last category is called diversity jurisdiction. Although cases involving federal statutes are usually heard in federal courts, some can be heard in state courts as well.

In general, state courts hear both civil and criminal cases. Jurisdiction in the two areas of law is often established by separate statutes. Usually, at one time, some judges are assigned to criminal cases while others hear civil cases. However the method of assigning cases varies among the different states.

In a civil case, a dispute between individuals is heard and determined. If the individuals desire, they usually can have the case heard before a jury selected from a community. But if the individuals wish or the state requires it, a judge will hear the case alone. An example of a civil suit would be as follows: Baker sues Dodd for damages resulting from injuries sustained in an automobile accident.

In a state criminal court, the judge and jury determine whether the state has proven its criminal charges beyond a reasonable doubt. If the state fails to prove its case, defendant will be acquitted. If the jury is satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty, it will convict him. However, it should be noted that a criminal defendant also can waive his right to a jury trial and appear solely before a judge.

Essentially, the federal court was established to decide the law in cases concerning the Constitution, federal laws, citizen of diverse state, and conflicts between states. In the first situation the court is asked to apply a specific constitutional provision or to settle a case arising out of a federal statute, either civil or criminal. In other words, its decides a federal question. Secondly, the court settles private disputes between two individuals who are citizens of different states. In this situation, it might be unfair to force one litigant into the state court system of the other. Therefore the federal court system may handle these diversity suits. However, they can be heard in a state court if that court obtains jurisdiction over both parties.

Both the state and federal court systems have courts of original jurisdiction and courts of appellate jurisdiction. The court of original jurisdiction is also known as the trial court. It is in this court that a civil or criminal proceeding is started and initially decided. A civil proceeding, for example, begins when the plaintiff files his complaint with the court. This is a legal document in which a plaintiff alleges that another person has injured him in some way and requests damages or other relief for the injury. When the judge or jury brings in a verdict, the initial civil or criminal proceeding is then considered complete.

Both the state and federal court systems have appellate courts. A court of appellate jurisdiction reviews the proceedings at the trial level and determines whether the trial court's decision should be affirmed or reversed. In general, if the litigant files an appeal, the appellate court must consider the case and render its opinion.