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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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  1. Translate paragraphs 1,3,6,7 in written form.

III. Answer the following questions in written form:

  1. What are the main political parties in Great Britain?

  2. How often are the elections held in Great Britain?

  3. How many constituencies are there in the United Kingdom?

  4. What electors are allowed to vote by post?

  5. Is voting compulsory?

  6. There is little difference between the Labour and the Conservative policies, isn’t there?

  7. Who can be nominated as a candidate at the elections?

  8. What’s “the majority electoral system?”

IV. Find in the text the English equivalents for the phrases below:

 избирательный округ

 Палата Общин

 избирательный участок

 избиратель

 избирательная комиссия

 гражданин

 землевладельцы

 рядовые чины

V. Complete the following text with the words and expressions from the box, using them in the appropriate form:

  1. The United Kingdom is divided into 650 parliamentary ________.

  2. A _________takes place every four or five years.

  3. Before an election, each party prepares a __________, which outlines their policies.

  4. An important Conservative policy was the return of state industries to the ________.

  5. During the period of Conservative government, _________fell to 4 % for the fist time in nearly 30 years.

  6. However, _________ continued to be unacceptably high.

  7. While the Conservatives were in power, Labour formed the official _________.

VI. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions:

  • franchise

  • dominant party

  • compulsory

  • constituency

  • radical change

VII. Complete the following sentences with the adjectives made by adding the right suffixes to the italicized words:

  1. The child obeys his parents. He is an _____ child.

  2. The sun was shining brightly. It was a _______ day.

  3. Everybody respected the man. He is a _______ man.

  4. Bob hardly escaped the danger. The situation was very _______.

  5. Mark hoped to earn fame for his book. Did he hope to become ______?

  6. He sleeps on a bench in the park because he has no home. He is _____.

  7. The flood in India was a disaster. It was very ______.

  8. The soldier was given a medal for his courage. He was ______.

VIII. Translate the words in brackets:

  1. This is ______ (самая интересная книга) I have ever read.

  2. Swimming is _______ (крайне популярный) summer sport.

  3. Shakespeare is ________ (самый выдающийся) English playwright.

  4. Coal is ______(крайне важный) natural resource.

  5. He is _______ (весьма умный) man.

IX. Use the required form of the adjective in the following sentences:

  1. He was (amusing) lad you ever met.

  2. Today I’m no (wise) than yesterday.

  3. Of the two evils let us choose the (little).

  4. They got down to business without (far) delay.

  5. Was there anything in the world (bad) than indecision?

  6. She waited until her silence became the (noticeable) thing in the room.

  7. Things went from bad to (bad).

  8. I wanted to ask you both what you thought of my (late) film if you saw it.

  9. The (near) house is three miles away.

  10. I think you are about (pretty) girl in school.