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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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VIII. The following letter was published in a newspaper. Complete the letter by choosing the appropriate infinitive from the box below. Do not use any infinitive more than once. Translate the letter.

Be, employ, give, have, learn, let, read, say, work.

Dear Sir,

I was not at all surprised (1)... in the paper that there are now more unemployed young people than ever before. If I were a boss, I’d be very reluctant (2)... anyone under twenty-five. What can school-leavers offer an employer? They’re too young (3)... any experience, and, I’m sorry (4)..., most of them are too lazy (5)... hard! They are quite happy (6)... the State look after them, because the State is foolish enough (7)... them money for doing nothing!

Yours faithfully,

  1. J. Williams

IX. Fill in “to” before the Infinitive where necessary:

  1. What is more important for you:... come to the University on time, or... get an extra hour of sleep in the morning?

  2. What is easier:... make money or... spend it?

  3. Coming back to his office he was surprised... find that no preparations had been made.

  4. I was extremely angry... read the letter from A. J. Williams.

  5. You can’t expect me... believe it!

  6. Bob is a difficult man... get on with.

  7. Roger was the last... be told the news.

  8. I went to the hospital... visit a friend.

  9. My brother can... speak French.

  10. We had... put on our overcoats because it was cold.

  11. They wanted... cross the river.

  12. It is high time for you... go to bed.

  13. May I... use your telephone?

  14. They heard the girl... cry out with joy.

  15. I would rather... stay at home today.

  16. He didn’t want... to play in the yard any more.

  17. Would you like... go to England?

  18. You look tired. You had better... go home.

  19. I wanted... speak to Nick, but could not... find his telephone number.

  20. Let me... help you with your homework.

  21. I was planning... do a lot of things yesterday.

  22. He was too sleepy... read the article to the end.

  23. My plan for today is... translate an article.

  24. Everyone seems... be worried about the careful use of resources.

  25. When do you expect... arrive in London?

X. Paraphrase the following sentences using Complex Subject as in model:

E. g.: It appeared that they had lost the way.

They appeared to have lost the way.

  1. It seems they know all about it. 2. It seems they have heard all about it. 3. It seemed that the discussion was coming to an end. 4. It seems that you don’t approve of the idea. 5. It seemed that the house had not been lived in for a long time. 6. It appeared that he was losing patience. 7. It appeared that he had not heard what had been said. 8. It happened that I was present at the opening session. 9. It so happened that I overheard their conversation. 10. It turned out that my prediction was correct. 11. It turned out that the language of the article was quite easy.

XI. Translate the sentences into Russian using Complex Object:

  1. I saw him run.

  2. I heard him speak in the next room.

  3. He made them work.

  4. She didn’t want me to read this book.

  5. We know him to be a good lawyer.

  6. Would you like me to translate this text?

  7. She felt somebody look at her.

  8. We could not let him go there.

  9. I allowed him to come in.

  10. We believe her to be in Los Angeles now.

  11. They consider him to become a good politician.

  12. We know him to have taken part in the conference.

XII. Choose the right form of the Infinitive:

  1. The article is difficult (перевести)

    1. to have translated

    2. to be translated

    3. to translate

  2. They are known (награждать) with medals recently.

    1. to have been decorated

    2. to be decorated

    3. to decorate

  3. Let the children (собраться) in the hall.

    1. to have been gathered

    2. gather

    3. to be gathering

  4. You don’t seem (иметь) a good knowledge of American History.

    1. to have had

    2. to be having

    3. to have

  5. They proved unable (решить) the dispute.

    1. to settle

    2. to have been settled

    3. to be settled

  6. The children are glad (обучать) music.

    1. to be teaching

    2. to be taught

    3. have taught

  7. He waited for the paper (опубликовать).

    1. to be published

    2. published

    3. to publish