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I. Have a look at the following group of words. Do you know any of them? Read their definitions and match these definitions with their Russian translations.


- the control and organizing of a business or other organization;

- those staff within the firm who exert control over its activities on behalf of owners.

Top management

- includes the chief executive of an organization, his or her deputy or deputies, the board of directors and the managers in charge of the divi­sions or departments of the organization.

Middle management

- consists of the managers to whom top management delegates the day-to-day running of the organization.

Managing director

- company director responsible for the day-to-day running of a company. Second in the hierarchy only to the chairman, if there is one; the manag­ing director is the company's chief executive.


- a person controlling or administrating a business or part of a business.


a. состоит из менеджеров, которым высшие должностные лица поручают организацию повседневной деятельности организации.

b. персонал фирмы, который осуществляет контроль за деятельностью данной фирмы со стороны собственников.

c. человек, который осуществляет контроль либо управление коммерческой деятельностью или частью бизнеса.

d. контроль и организация деятельности коммерческой либо другой организации.

e. директор компании, ответственный за организацию повседневной деятельности организации. Второй в иерархии после председателя, если такой есть; это высшее должностное лицо компании.

f. включает в себя главу организации, его или ее заместителя или заместителей, совет директоров и менеджеров ответственные за подразделения или отделы организации.

II. Do you know the meaning of the following derivatives? Show it with the help of your own sentences.

to manage; manageable; management; manager; manageress; mana­gerial

Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the words in italics.

1. They reserved the right to make managerial decision.

2. What you need is advice from your bank manager.

3. I wish you could manage the time to come and to talk to us.

4. Private banks are being nationalized, and are to be managed with work­ers' participation.

5. They are part of my management team.

6. The baby can be greatly influenced by the parents' management.

7. She has been working as the manageress of a bookshop.

8. It is perfectly manageable task to tackle systematically.

III. Write down a synonym for each of the words on the left. Choose the one on the right. In what do they differ?

















IV. Can you think of the synonyms to the following words? Consult a dictionary, if necessary. In what do these synonyms differ? Compose sentences of your own using them.

engage, include, manage, manager, objective, accountant, hire.

V. What prepositions should he used below? Make up your own sentences.

1. respect... other beliefs

2. it is important … everyone

3. to carry … decisions

4. all types … organizations

5. hard work … a variety of activities

6. a person responsible ...

7. engaged ...

8. is available ...

VI. Study the following words and word-combinations. What are their Russian equivalents? Memorize the following words and word-combinations. Compose sentences of your own using them.

To get work done; involved in management; achievements of any society; to get involved in joint effort; human, informational, physical, and financial resources of an organization; knowledge of economics and business; to be trained to be accountants; to manage accounting departments; to perform several roles ; staffing; process of determining the objectives of an organization; hiring; promotion; dismissing; to assign the task; to carrying out decisions within the system; to reach objectives; profit-making organizations; social work agencies, the process of guiding, leading, and motivating people.