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I. State the functions of the Infinitive.

  1. Subject

  2. Attribute

  3. Complex Object

  4. AM of subsequent events

  5. Object

  6. AM of result / consequence

  7. Complex Object

  8. Complex Subject

  9. part of the CVM predicate

  10. AM of purpose

II. Paraphrase the sentences using the Infinitive.

  1. You are not a man to remain alone for very long.

  2. She seemed to be doing her best.

  3. I can’t bear you to look unhappy.

  4. We all find him to be a reliable fellow.

  5. This man is old enough to be your father.

  6. What shall I do for you to forgive me?

  7. To hear him talk you may think he is a great expert.

  8. The delegation from China is reported to have arrived in our city.

  9. He was too astonished to utter a word.

  10. They are most unlikely to become friends. They are so different (They are too different to become friends).

III. Find and correct an error.

  1. I’ve been doing nothing but eat since morning.

  2. I find it useful to learn poems by heart.

  3. Hadn’t we better Ø postpone our trip?

  4. The house appeared to have been recently repaired.

  5. The book is too difficult to read it for pleasure.

  6. He was Ø gentleman enough to offer her a lift.

  7. He was too young a poet to be famous.

  8. I have no one to discuss it with.

  9. He couldn’t make up his mind whether to join their company or not.

  10. He didn’t seem to realize the danger.

IV. Translate into English.

  1. What a pity it is to be asked when you expect it least of all!

  2. There are two exams left for me to take.

  3. Do you still enjoy hiking? – Not so much as I used to.

  4. – He is said (mentioned, etc.) to be acquainted with many noble people. – Yes, he is, but I’ve never seen him appear in their company.

  5. I still hesitate whether to start this hard work (demanding job) or not.

  6. He returned home to find the door (to be) unlocked.

  7. I didn’t mean to upset you but I am afraid I’ll have to.

  8. What makes you think he will turn down our request (will refuse it to us)? He is just the man to be relied (rely) on (upon).

  9. Much history is required to make (create) a bit of literature (some literature).

  10. How do you find his new role in the theater? – To tell you the truth, I find it (to be) boring. His acting leaves much to be desired.

Test on the Gerund

I. Define the function of underlined gerunds.

  1. Object

  2. Subject

  3. Attribute

  4. Object

  5. AM of manner

  6. Object

  7. Part of the CVPh predicate

  8. AM of time

  9. Objects

  10. AM of time

II. Complete these sentences with the correct preposition and a verb form to express the ideas in brackets.

1. She thanked him for giving (presenting) her flowers.

2. They accused him of stealing a painting.

3. She insists on their wearing hats.

4. The police officer prevented the thief from escaping.

5. She often dreams about buying a house near the sea.

6. He suspected the children of damaging the tree.

7. They rewarded me for returning their lost dog.

8. He prevented her from marrying that humbug.

9. He congratulated me on my passing the test.

10. Can I interest you in buying this ring?