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Ex.1. STATE the type of the adverbial modifier. TRANSLATE the sentences into Russian:

1. Roland lifted the bone to eye-level and looked at it for a moment before dropping it back. 2. His breath stopped, and the dream he had had after leaving River Crossing returned with full force. 3. Outside of scraping potatoes, what else were you supposed to do? 4. Instead of telling him that it was none of his business I said sullenly: “Nothing that I know of.” 5. Fifteen days after the war had begun, Henry Kissinger and George Keller boarded a plane to Moscow for working out a cease-fire between Israel and Egypt, which went into effect on the following day. President Sadat of Egypt showed his gratitude for these efforts by establishing a new and direct relationship with Washington. 6. The servants were going back to their tasks before retiring for supper; the monks were heading for the refectory. 7. On turning the corner he came upon a scene of some activity. 8. Erik didn’t leave the house for fear of being discovered by the police. 9. I thought that maybe I could borrow the right key without Brad knowing I had borrowed it. 10. I heard heavy footsteps and the familiar metallic sounds of the ancient armour that Fratulon seldom removed even for sleeping. 11. Well, they’re going to charge you with aggravated assault for shooting Looney. 12. Our discussion continued like getting a good message through a very imperfect telephone. 13. I cannot finish my report draft with you asking me these questions.

Ex.2. FINISH the sentences using by+GER’ phrases.

1. Pat turned off the tape recorder … . 2. We decided who should get the last piece of pie … . 3. We show people we are happy … . 4. I found out what ‘quench’ means…. 5. Alex caught my attention … . 6. Tony improved his listening comprehension skills … . 7. They got rid of the rats in the building … . 8. My dog shows me she is happy … . 9. He accidentally electrocuted himself … 10. Sometimes teenagers get into trouble with their parents … . 11. We managed to get the waiter’s attention only … . 12. She has won the game … . 13. … you may gain better results in the competition. 14. … you are treating them unjustly.

Ex.3. TRANSLATE the sentences using the Gerund in the function of Adverbial Modifier:

1. Однажды утром, убирая комнату сына, Миссис Глоуб обнаружила револьвер под подушкой. 2. Закрыв на замок все двери, она позвонила мужу и попросила его приехать домой как можно быстрее, не спрашивая, что случилось. 3. Она молча собирала вещи, не глядя на него, как будто боясь, что он её остановит 4. Выкурив сигарету, он облачился в свой любимый теплый халат и уселся перед телевизором. 5. Он пристально смотрел на меня, не сводя глаз. 6. Он совершенно утомил всех рассказами о своих достижениях. 7. Несмотря на то, что ему было уже далеко за 80, он сохранил бодрость тела и ясность ума. 8. Он начал с объяснения того, как ему удалось заполучить этот редкий экземпляр книги. 9. Пробежав еще метров сто, он остановился, оглянулся, и, не увидев преследователей, пошел спокойным шагом. 10. Пальто было именно таким, каким она его себе представляла - темно-синее, с большим пушистым воротником; она смотрела на этот подарок с восхищением, не прикасаясь к нему, как будто боясь, что он исчезнет.

Ex.4. FILL in the blanks using gerunds with prepositions where necessary. DEFINE the functions of the Gerund.

A. 1. English Grammar, it is said, is the art … (speak) and (write) the English language correctly (E.A. Poe). 2. I take all the blame … (not see) further than my nose. 3. He had never had much difficulty … (get) jobs. The trouble had always been … (keep) them. 4. His mission had very little to do … (win) the war. 5. He did not object … (see) Francis. 6. Jones insisted … (shake) hands. 7. He had a manner … (screw) his head on one side when he spoke; and … (look) out of the corners of his eyes at the same time. 8. Quite late, when he was on the point … (go) upstairs, the doorbell rang. 9. She thanked him … (take) her out. 10. I told him that we were about to be turned out of our flat … (not pay) the rent on time. 11. Genius is a talent … (produce) that for which no definite rule can be given (E. Kant). 12. Jack hesitated, and then decided … (talk), as he was not in the mood. 13. The thief was accused … (steal) a woman’s purse. 14. I shall look forward … (see) your book. 15. He made a point … never (sound) disappointed. 16. The Count was unequaled in his skill … (wind up) the most heated and serious argument by some unexpected remark. 17. The jury found Mr. Adams guilty … (take) money from the company he worked for and … (keep) it for himself.

B. 1. Bill isn’t used … (wear) a suit tie every day. 2. Where should we go for dinner tonight? Would you object … (go) to a French restaurant? 3. The mayor made another public statement for the purpose … (clarify) the new tax proposal. 4. Instead … (study), Margaret went to a ball game with some of her friends. 5. You are capable … (do) a better job. 6. … (hesitate) she decided she would have to use her real name. 7. Economy is the art … (make) the most of life (J.B. Shaw). 8. Henry is excited … (leave for India). 9. I am accustomed … (have) a big breakfast. 10. Thank you … (help) me carry the packages to the post office. 11. There is no branch of detective science which is so important and so much neglected as the art … (trace) footsteps (A.C. Doyle). 12. Fred is always complaining … (have) a headache. 13. The rain prevented us … (complete) the work. 14. Mrs. Grant insisted … (know) the whole truth. 15. It is good to omit … (do) what might perhaps bring some profit to the living, when we have in view the accomplishment of other ends that will be of much greater advantage to posterity (Descartes). 16. The weather is terrible tonight. I don’t blame you … (not want) to accompany me to the meeting. 17. Don Quixote and Sancho got up rather shaken, and, looking about them, were filled with amazement … (find) themselves in the same garden from which they had started.

C. 1. I apologized to Diane … (make) her wait for me. 2. You should take advantage … (not go) to class yesterday. 3. Who is responsible … (wash) and (dry) the dishes after dinner? 4. In addition … (go) to school full time, Sam has a part-time job. 5. That sense of thick oppression in the air — that sense … (watch) — was all too real. 6. The angry look on his face stopped me … (speak) my mind. 7. For a long moment she stared … (see) the brightly colored silk she had chosen. 8. To be held … (question) by the police in a foreign country was frightening for anyone. 9. But I do not have five years to give over … (teach) you, and you do not have five years … (learn). 10. He showed us how to get to his house … (draw) a map. 11. Unfortunately I haven’t succeeded … (make) much impression on you. 12. He put the note under a saucer on the table to keep it … (blow) away. 13. As he had a capacity … (understand) art, and … true and tasteful imitation in the art … (paint), he supposed himself to have the real thing essential for an artist. 14. I thought … (take) a trip up the Scandinavian coast. 15. Women have the art … (conceal) their anger, especially when it is great (J.J. Rousseau). 16. He continued to sleep, and she didn’t move for fear … (disturb) him. 17. Everyone in the neighbourhood participated … (look) for the lost child.

Ex.5. COMPLETE the following by translating what is given in brackets using the Gerund. Where necessary, use prepositions.

1. From his early teens, he had been used … (поступать в соответствии со своими убеждениями). 2. Why do you accuse him … (в том, что он не пришел на помощь своему товарищу)? 3. They prided themselves … (что первыми взошли на эту гору). 4. He couldn’t get used … (есть китайские блюда палочками). 5. I was not used to … (когда меня развлекают дамы). 6. Your mother and I hope you will succeed … (найти свою дорогу в жизни). 7. We were quite unaware … (что появились некстати). 8. She still avoids … (находиться вместе со мной в одной комнате). 9. I can’t recall … (что был на его дне рождения). I even don’t remember … (чтобы меня приглашали) 10. Excuse me … (что я вошел не постучав). 11. She denied … (что заказывала этот альбом). 12. I’m really ashamed … (что так вел себя на вечере), and I regret (что сказал столько лишнего).

Ex.6. TRANSLATE the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the rendering of the gerund.

1. This habit of discussing other people’s affairs may damage reputations and ruin friendship. 2. I see no harm in letting them enjoy themselves in vacation time. 3. Miss Murdstone never could endure to see me untasked, and if I rashly made any show of being unemployed, called her brother’s attention to me by saying, “My dear, there’s nothing like work – give your boy an exercise.” 4. You can’t learn to skate without falling. 5. It’s different for you. You’re used to walking. 6. As for me, I simply love cooking. 7. She can’t stand being contradicted. 8. She washed her face and combed her hair before going downstairs again. 9. Of course I’ll go. I’d go any place if there’s the slightest chance of getting this job. 10. There was no way of getting out of the building. 11. She would only accept Tanzanian currency. She knew without needing to ask that we didn't have any, for the simple reason that no one ever did. 12. I couldn’t help wondering - where did all the equipment come from? We hadn’t figured on needing a gas pressure regulator, for instance. 13. “By making several trips in the boat, Glinda could fetch all your people to the shore,” replied the Wizard. 14. He didn't even bother looking at the billboard outside the theater to see what movie it was that MaryAnn had insisted upon seeing. 15. “He’s got this puppy-dog quality of wanting to be liked.”

Ex.7. REPLACE the parts in bold type by gerundial phrases.

1. It was like one was caught running in church. 2. After he finished his coffee he sat to the computer to edit his speech. 3. That you are a movie star’s brother doesn't make you anything special around here, sonny. 4. The moment she saw him she stopped reading the letter at once and put it in her front pocket and even did not explain anything. 5. When he heard that he thought that he needed to make some comment. 6. He began talking louder as he feared he might be misunderstood. 7. In this thick fog she was afraid that she might be knocked down. 8. He felt relieved after he was examined by a therapist. 9. Only when he had coughed and raised his voice did he manage to get the insolent waiter's attention. 10. She both feared he would speak and wished for it. 11. The little girl isn’t afraid of dogs despite the fact that she was bitten twice. 12. That she had come here had been a mistake, and Lottie Kilgallon didn't like to admit her mistakes. 13. He complained that he had been given a rather cold welcome at the hotel. 14. The village looked so dismal and shabby that he hated the idea that he would have to spend some time there.

Module 7.