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IV Translate into Russian:

  1. “You haven’t seen the last of me.” He went out, banging the door.

  2. This particular morning he sat facing a new client, a Mr. Reginald Wade.

  3. “How odd all this is, Poirot,” I exclaimed, struck suddenly by an idea.

  4. There is nothing so terrible as to live in the atmosphere of suspicion – to see eyes watching you and the love in them changing to fear – nothing so terrible as to suspect those near and dear to you…

  5. Mrs. Partridge was the last person known to have seen Mrs. Ascher alive.

(Keys, p.127) Revision of the Verbals

Ex.1. USE the gerund or the infinitive of the suggested verb in parentheses. Where necessary, add prepositions.

1. I need spectacles (read). 2. The print is too small; I’ll need a magnifying glass (read) it with. 3. I regret (miss) the show. 4. I regret (say) I am not coming. 5. I paid the electricity bill, but I don’t remember (pay) the rent this month. 6. He is quite able (take) care of himself. 7. He is capable (do) things you would least expect of him. 8. He would not stop (ask) questions until he thought he was clear about everything. 9. We called after him, but he didn’t even stop (turn) his head. 10. I tried (work) in a department store, but it wasn’t a very good job. 11. You really must try (work) harder. 12. She complained about everything else, and then she went on (complain) about the price. 13. She just went on (complain) about everything. 14. I’ll never forget (visit) Paris for the first time. 15. We mustn’t forget (visit) Monique when we are in Paris. 16. Oh dear! I think I forgot (pay) 17. I’ll give you a chance (try) your hand at it. 18. Shall we have a chance ever (see) you again? 19. It’s no use (argue) when the matter is settled. 20. It was very useful (hear) the different opinions. 21. I remember (leave) the money in the drawer, but it’s not there now. 22. I must remember (leave) some money to be paid for the repairs. 23. I remember (close) the door, but I’m not sure that I locked it. 24. Please remember (lock) the door when you go out. 25. I really regret (tell) everyone what happened. I should have kept it a secret. 26. I regret (tell) you that there has been a serious accident.

Ex.2. TRANSLATE into English using either gerunds or infinitives after the suggested verbs.

Remember/forget: 1) Вы не забыли опустить письмо, которое я Вам дал? 2) Сунув руку в карман, он обнаружил там письмо, которое он забыл опустить. 3) Я совсем забыл, что одолжил кому-то свой словарь, и долго искал его на полках. 4) Едва я прочел первые строки, как понял, что я уже где-то читал эти слова.

Suggest/offer: 1) Случай оказался серьезным, и врач предложил созвать консилиум. 2) Видя наши затруднения, он предложил нам свою помощь.

Keep promise / show promise: 1) Выполнил ли мэр свое обещание построить новую школу? 2) Он обещает скоро стать одним из лучших шахматистов нашего клуба.

Go on: 1) Во второй главе автор продолжает описывать экономическое положение в стране. 2) После краткого анализа экономики страны, автор описывает современную политическую обстановку.

Couldnt help / couldnt but: 1) Его искусство не могло не вызвать восхищения. 2) Кто бы ни видел его картины, не мог не восхищаться его искусством.

Propose: 1) Экскурсовод предложил начать осмотр выставки с автобусной поездки по её территории. 2) Насколько известно, они намеревались выехать во второй половине дня.

Think: 1) Мы задумали начать осмотр завода с этого цеха. 2) Я не мог даже и думать о том, чтобы оставить его одного в таком тяжелом состоянии.

Remember: 1) Я помню, как ребенком я бывал у зубного врача. 2) Мне нужно не забыть, что в среду я иду к зубному врачу.

Ex.3. USE the Gerund or the Infinitive to complete the sentences. Where necessary, add prepositions.

1. There is no … . 2. There is not much … . 3. What about your report? Have you finished … ? 4. … is out of the question. 5. It is no good … . 6. It is very good … . 7. His duty was … . 8. His work was … . 9. Your TV set doesn’t need … . 10. There is no need … . 11. There is no reason … . 12. He was looking for an opportunity … . 13. You needn’t … . 14. I don’t think there can be any chance … . 15. They were in a hurry; they could not stop … . 16. He was struck by the beauty of the scenery; he could not stop … . 17. I am used … . 18. On hearing the footsteps, he ceased … . 19. Then the article goes on … . 20. In spite of the late hour they went on … . 21. … would have been a mistake. 22. I can’t bear … . 23. They couldn’t afford … . 24. When a student I used … . 25. The climate seems … . 26. No matter how often I tried … . 27. We never intended … . 28. The weather looks like … . 29. Good-bye. It was very nice … . 30. He began … only when the noise subsided.

Ex.4. STATE whether the ing-form is a participle, a gerund, or a verbal noun. DEFINE the functions of the verbals.

1. Looking back upon that time was like remembering something that had happened long ago, when he was much younger. 2. Looking back upon that time, I thought that all might have been different but for the interference of my parents. 3. Dave lived there like a rent-paying tenant, his comings and goings being of small concern to the others. 4. The distraught Jenny, sitting by her sleeping child, was at last made to realize, by his peaceful breathing, that all danger was over. 5. She left off ringing, and, sitting down at the top of the stairs, buried her face in her hands. 6. With a sudden tightening of the muscles he became aware of a figure walking noiselessly beside him. 7. There was a sound of rocking a chair in the room, and of a woman singing. 8. Sitting at the empty table made him feel sorry for himself. 9. An old clock kept with its ticking a jealous record of the seconds slipping away for ever from its old master. 10. Through spaces of the unfinished house, short-sleeved figures worked slowly, and sounds arose – spasmodic knockings, the scraping of metal, and the sawing of wood. 11. Stephanie walked slowly across the campus enjoying the Saturday afternoon luxury of walking without hurrying. 12. Having exhausted all the possible combinations of his vocabulary, the sailor quieted down to hard thinking. 13. He cursed himself for having come, and at the same time resolved that, happen what would, having come, he would carry it through. 14. Paul went to the bath and was rewarded some minutes later by hearing the shuffling of sleepers down the passage and the door furiously rattled. 15. The dim unwavering light fell on the rows of figures which were so uncannily like human beings that the silence the stillness seemed unnatural and even ghastly. He missed the sound of breathing, the rustling of clothes, the hundred and one minute noises one hears when even the deepest silence has fallen upon a crowd.

Ex.5. FILL IN not before the Participle, or without before the Gerund.

1. … speaking the language, he was questioned through an interpreter. 2. The man was holding forth, … paying attention to the attempts to interrupt him. 3. She never did a thing … asking somebody’s advice. 4. … having recognized me, she passed by … answering my nod. 5. I left him alone, … wanting to distract him from his work. 6. The girl looked innocently about her, … realizing what the joke was. 7. They could not see each other … immediately loosing their temper. 8. … waiting for an answer, he turned round and walked out. 9. I tried to catch his eye but he sat motionless, … looking in my direction. 10. They jumped at the proposition, … thinking of the consequences. 11. The wind had been blowing for many days … seeming to stop. 12. The door stood ajar, and we entered … knocking. 13. He never signed a paper … thoroughly reading it through. 14. The young man asked me all kinds of questions … concealing his curiosity.

Ex.6. USE infinitive or participle of the suggested verbs in the proper form.

1. (Switch on) the light, he pulled down the curtains. 2. (Switch on) the light, you have only to reach out your hand. 3. He took up the glass carefully, not (spill) a drop. 4. He received a letter (inform) him of their new address. 5. He took up the full glass, not (spill) a drop. 6. They sent him a letter (inform) him of their new address. 7. She winced (remember) the pain. 8. He was a sentimental man, easily (move) by tears. 9. He is not a man easily (move) by tears. 10. She strained her memory (remember) the date. 11. An answer came but it was not the answer (expect). 12. It seemed the kind of answer (expect). 13. A new canal was built (connect) the two rivers. 14. (Take) his glass from the table he held it away from him (scrutinize) the color. 15. There is a man (wait) for you. 16. There is a man (see) you. 17. He stopped short as if (take) aback. 18. He shaded his eyes with his hand as though (protect) them from the blazing sun. 19. She smiled to herself as if (remember) something funny. 20. (See) from afar, a beacon must be high and powerful. 21. (See) from afar, the beacon was an unfailing guide for ships at sea, whatever the weather. 22. They had tried many other methods, (return) to the initial one. 23. They had tried many other methods only (return) to the initial one.

Ex.7. COMPLETE the sentences by translating the suggested phrases. CHOOSE between infinitives or participles.

1. The scientists brought back from the expedition some pictures of deep water fishes … (невиданных ранее). 2. The first consignment of the goods … (которые будут посланы) to the fair is ready for transportation. 3. The first consignment of the goods … (посланных) to the fair is on the way to the pert of delivery. 4. The first consignment of the goods … (посылаемых) to the fair has arrived. 5. … (Обосновавшись) at the new place, he never left it. 6. He settled at the new place … (и уже не покидал его). 7. He raised up his head … (с удивленным видом; чтобы посмотреть, кто вошел; и увидел, что кто-то наблюдает за ним). 8. How many rooms are reserved for the delegates … (прибывающих) for the conference? 9. There are some more delegates … (которые должны прибыть) for the conference. 10. These rooms are occupied by the delegates … (прибывшими) for the conference. 11. That is one of the greatest discoveries … (когда-либо сделанных человеком). 12. He must be a great authority on the subject … (раз он написал) such a book. 13. We have many people… (которые нам помогают; которые могут нам помочь). 15. He was a great authority on the subject … (проработав) in the field for so many years. 14. I shivered … (подумав об этом). 16. I shiver … (при одной мысли об этом). 17. His was wisdom … (которая приобретается; которая может быть приобретена) only through experience.

Ex.8. ANALYSE and PARAPHRASE the complexes with verbals.

1. Parking difficulties have caused these markets to move to an open country. 2. Do you think it was easy for me to make this decision? 3. Didn’t you hear the doorbell ring? 4. I must say I was made to read lots of silly books in my school days. 5. My plan was for the front door to be blocked from any entrance. 6. I’m tired of living in a cold barn with the wind whistling through. 7. I began this evening with something to keep me going. 8. I’m not at all against his coming along. 9. The fish being smelly, the cat refused to touch it. 10. She felt as if she were standing on a platform, with ‘God save the King’ played. 11. The dog sniffed at the food, his intelligent eyes fixed on the man’s face. 12. The sound of somebody sawing wood could be heard from the yard. 13. The news of his having returned made her heart beat. 14. He saw the attendant smiling at him and her lips open as if to speak. 15. Breakfast over, he could not think what to do now. 16. I remember poor Charlotte making herself quite unpopular one season. 17. I went to the tailor to have a suit made to measure. 18. I had forgotten that, in an extravagant mood, I had my initials placed on the bag. 19. Having a companion fixes you in time – the latter always seeming like the present to you. 20. But I’m accustomed to having my letters answered the same day.

Ex.9. TRANSLATE into English using predicative constructions with verbals, where possible.

1. Он не слышал, как подъехал автомобиль. 2. Вы настаиваете на том, чтобы окно оставалось открытым? 3. Я подождала, пока мой гость не ушел, а затем поспешила на станцию. 4. Мы ожидали, что он поможет нам. 5. Так как упражнение было длинное, я не могла выполнить его за полчаса. 6. Его работа в зарубежной компании (be employed) помогла ему в быстром продвижении по службе (promote). 7. Поторопись! 8. Мы стояли на палубе (deck) и следили за приближением лодки. 9. Она слышала, как люди ходили по коридору. 10. Его картины сейчас выставляются в крупнейших выставочных залах страны. 11. Предполагают, что пароход отправляется в субботу. 12. Я видел, что она в слезах, но решил, что мое утешение может ее расстроить еще больше. 13. Он открыл дверь, чтобы я могла пройти. 14. Я не могу оставаться здесь дольше. 15. Письмо было написано, и я пошел отправить его. 16. Он решительно возражал против того, чтобы я пользовалась его словарями. 17. Распорядитесь, чтобы ему немедленно дали лекарство. 18. Одевайся немедленно! 19. Я оставил его, когда он разбирал (sort) прибывшую утром почту. 20. То, что он стал победителем чемпионата, - совершенно удивительный, но приятный факт. 21. Его застали играющим в карты с несовершеннолетними. 22. Она рассказывала мне о том, что случилось, с трудом подбирая слова, запинаясь (stumble) на каждой фразе. 23. Сообщили, что самолет вылетел из Ванкувера с опозданием. 24. Так как ночь была холодная, я надела теплое пальто. 25. Меня очень удивляет, что он сделал это. 26. Я хотел бы, чтобы чай был крепкий и со сливками. 27. Моя сестра хочет, чтобы я изучала испанский язык. 28. Я никогда не видел ее плачущей. 29. Мне очень трудно сделать это. 30. Ему починили крышу автомобиля всего за полчаса.

Ex.10. PRACTICE written translation of the sentences with verbals.

1. He remained for a time standing without moving, apparently with the idea of waiting for a favorable decision, but as I continued to keep silence, he angrily declared he would revenge himself and find means to punish my pride, and left the room.

2. The old Mexican who owned the cigar store was happily stringing lights in his window, pipe stuck in the corner of his mouth, smoke drifting behind him, fake snow already sprayed on a fake Christmas tree.

3. The boys began looking at their feet, as wounded children will do, and Mr. Scanlon appeared to be heartbroken.

4. It was the last day in the month of May again and, it being a springtime habit for many years, Tarl Pricehouse got ready to leave home the following morning.

5. Salvatore wandered through the world, begging, pilfering, pretending to be ill, entering the temporary service of some lord, and then again taking to the forest or the high road.


Test of the Infinitive