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Test yourself Test on the Gerund

I. Define the function of underlined gerunds.

1. I blame myself for over letting you marry him.

2. But in a way, being tied physically gives you lots of scope mentally.

  1. Perhaps they give one the illusion of living an exciting life.

  2. I remember seeing you once, Mr. Caux.

  3. Ruth said, without raising her head: “Supposing he doesn’t consent?”

  4. Ruth Van Aldin had been accustomed to having her own way.

  1. She began sobbing and weeping.

  2. Then one weekend, we were driving home after visiting friends, and we happened to see this windmill for sale.

  3. You see, I’ve always enjoyed playing with engines and motors, taking them to pieces and mending them.

  4. On arriving back at the Savoy, he gave a court order to Knighton.

II. Complete these sentences with the correct preposition and a verb form to express the ideas in brackets. Make all necessary changes.

  1. She thanked him (a gift of flowers).

  2. They accused him (the theft of a painting).

  3. She insists (they must wear hats).

  4. The police officer prevented (the thief didn’t escape).

  5. She often dreams (she buys a house near the sea).

  6. He suspected the children (damage to the tree).

  7. They rewarded me (return of their lost dog).

  8. He prevented her (marriage to that humbug).

  9. He congratulated me (I passed the test).

  10. Can I interest you (buy this ring)?

III. Find and correct errors.

  1. Let’s stay at home. It’s beginning raining.

  2. Having given advice is not much in my line.

  3. He had a great difficulty expressing himself fluently.

  4. We’re used to write tests at every Grammar class.

  5. The furniture in the house was so old, that it required being polished.

  6. Watching all those rubbish horror movies is to waste your precious time.

  7. She repeated the whole story in detail for fear of misunderstanding.

  8. Does this question worth to be raised again?

  9. I had an impression of treating me awfully badly.

  10. I suggest to leave everything as it used to being before we came.

IV. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Простите, что я вас прерываю, но мне спешно нужна ваша помощь.

  2. Никто не требует, чтобы вы оставались здесь до вечера; вы можете уйти, как только окончите работу.

  3. Я прошу представить мне возможность выразить свою точку зрения.

  4. У вас есть какие – либо возражения против того, чтобы Петр выступил с сообщением на конференции?

  5. Сожалею, что приходится говорить об этом, но вас могут уволить из компании.

  6. Дом нуждается в ремонте: крышу нужно заменить, кухню перестроить, окна хорошенько отмыть, сад вычистить.

  7. Не забудьте напомнить им, чтобы они пришли пораньше.

  8. После того, как он нарушил свое обещание, мы не можем ему больше доверять.

  9. Он настаивал на том, чтобы нас туда послали.

  10. Не стоит повторять все сначала.

V. Read the news items below and complete what you might say using the gerunds:

Like A Fish To Water

Teenage Detectives

9–month–old baby David has taken to swimming ‘like a fish to water’, according to his mother. “Nobody taught him”, she said. “We put him in the water and he just started to swim”. And she added with a smile, “We must get round to buying him a swimming costume!”

Local police have resorted to “recruiting” 15– and 16– year-olds to help them fight drugs in the town. “We want to stop drug-taking among young people”, said a police spokeswoman. “A number of youngsters have offered to help by giving us information”.