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VII. Extra activities

  1. Check the pronunciation of the elements in a dictionary or in appendix and read them aloud:

Al — aluminium алюминий

Ag — argentum серебро

Ar — argon аргон

As — arsenic мышьяк

Au — aurum = gold золото

B — boron бор

Ba — barium барий

Be — berillium бериллий

Bi — bismuth висмут

Br — bromine бром

C —carbon углерод

Ca — calcium кальций

Ce — cerium церий

Cd — cadmium кадмий

Cl — chlorine хлор

Co —cobalt кобальт

Cr — chromium хром

Cs —caesium цезий

Cu — copper медь

F — fluorine фтор

Fe — ferrum = iron железо

Ge — germanium германий

H — hydrogen водород

He — helium гелий

Hg — hydrargyrum = mercury ртуть

J —iodine йод

Ir — iridium иридий

K — kalium = po­tassium калий

Li —lithium литий

Mg —magnesium магний

Mn — manganese марганец

Mo — molybdenum молибден

N — nitrogen азот

Na — natrium = sodium натрий

Ne — neon неон

Ni —nickel никель

O — oxygen кислород

P — phosphorus фосфор

Pb — plumbum = lead свинец

Pt —platinum платина

Ra —radium радий

Rb —rubidium рубидий

S — sulphur cepa

Sb —antimony сурьма

Se —selenium селен

Si — silicon кремний

Sn — stannum = tin олово

Sr — strontium стронций

Te — tellurium теллур

Th — thorium торий

Ti —titanium титан

U —uranium уран

W —wolfram = tungsten вольфрам

Zn —zinc цинк

Zr — zirconium цирконий

b. Give the positions of the elements in relation to the whole table according to the following example.

Example: Vanadium is in the third column from the left, at the top.

Cobalt is in the top row, near the middle.

tungsten, cadmium, zinc, gold, iron, scandium

c. Now describe the position of the elements in relation to others in the table but don`t give the name of the element.

Example: This element is beside and to the right of rhenium.( osmium)

This element is next to mercury. (gold)

d. Look at the following statements and say if they are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. Silver is diagonally above nickel. T/F

2. Zinc is in line with scandium. T/F

3. Molybdenum and ruthenium are on either side of technetium. T/F

4. Iron is beside and to the right of cobalt. T/F

5. Gold is vertically below silver. T/F

d. Read the following descriptions and guess the name of the element.

1. ___________ is an alkaline earth metal and one of the most abundant elements found in the Earth's crust in terms of mass. This soft gray element is rather hard, and it is important for life on the earth. It is the main component in the mineralization of shells and bones, and the most abundant element of all by mass in many living organisms. The element is an important constituent of teeth, leaves, and bones.

2. ___________ is a chemical element and the most abundant and the lightest element of all. It constitutes about 75 percent of the elemental mass in the universe. This element, found in plasma state, is the main element in the composition of stars. It is the main component of all organic matter and water.

3. _____is a solid metal that belongs to the group of the alkaline earth metals and has no stable isotopes. Naturally occurring element is found in animals, plants, water, soils, and rock. While the element is present in uranium ores, it is a scarce one. The element was discovered in 1898 by Marie and Pierre Curie.

4. ___________ is a member of the alkali group of metals. It is soft, silvery white in color and the least dense and least heavy element of all the solid elements. It is highly flammable and reactive, which is why it is usually conserved in mineral oil. This element never occurs freely in nature. It is often obtained from clay.

5. ___________ is the only metal in a liquid state at standard conditions for pressure and temperature apart from bromine. This element is a fair conductor of electricity, but at the same time, it is a poor conductor of heat. The metal is used in scientific instruments, barometers, and thermometers.

6. ___________ is a chemical element, which is tetravalent and nonmetallic. It is among the few elements that have been known to people since antiquity. It has several allotropes. Depending on the allotropic form, its physical properties can vary widely. It is an element with key importance to all living systems and life, in its present form, would not exist without it.

7. ___________ occurs as a pure crystal as well as in many minerals. This element is a metalloid and is found in different allotropes. Metallic form is mainly used to strengthen alloys of lead (e.g. in automotive batteries) and copper. IT is also among the most commonly used semiconductors. Is compounds are employed in the production of insecticides, herbicides, and pesticides. It has a toxic effect on more complex life forms.

8. ___________is a chemical element and an inert noble gas, which gives a red-orange glow to advertising signs, low-voltage glow lamps, and high-voltage discharge tubes. This element is the 2nd lightest noble gas, with the narrowest liquid range of all elements.

9. ___________is a halogen element, poisonous greenish-yellow gas. It occurs widely in nature as a sodium compound in seawater. One of its compounds is widely known as everyday table salt. It ion itself is part of the salt in the earth and in the oceans. In fact, almost 2 percent of the seawater mass is made of its ions.