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Литературоведческие работы общего характера

1. Аникин Г. В., Михальская Н.П. История английской литерату­ры. - М., 1985.

2. Зарубежные писатели: Биобиблиографический словарь/Под ред. Н.П. Михальской. - В 2 т. - М., 1997.

3. История зарубежного театра. — В 4 ч. — М., 1987.

4. История зарубежной литературы: Средние века и Возрожде­ние. - М., 1987.

5. Краткая литературная энциклопедия. — М., 1962—1978. — Т. 1—9.

6. Литературный энциклопедический словарь. — М., 1987.

7. История всемирной литературы. — В 9 т. — М., 1984.

8. История английской литературы. — М.; Л., 1943—1958. — Т. 1—3

Писатели великобритании - лауреаты нобелевской премии

Нобелевские премии учреждены в 1901 году шведским ин­женером-химиком А.Б. Нобелем. Присуждаются ежегодно за вы­дающиеся работы в области физики, химии, физиологии и ме­дицины, экономики (с 1969 г.), за литературные произведения, за деятельность по укреплению мира. Премии по литературе присуждает Шведская академия. Размер премии в 1988 году со­ставлял 2,5 млн. крон.

1907 Киплинг Р.

1925 Шоу Б.

1932 Голсуорси Дж.

1948 Элиот Т.С.

1950 Рассел Б.

1953 Черчилль У.

1981 Канетти Э.

1983 Голдинг У.

Новые книги oxford university press

Oxford World's Classics offers editions of key texts from the 4000-year-old myths of Mesopotamia to the 20th century.


World's Classics has an impressive and growing selection of dramat­ic works by English playwrights from the sixteenth to the twentieth centu­ries. Under the general editionship of Michael Cordner they are ideal for students. Each play has been newly edited with modernized spelling and punctuation, and offers substantial introductions that draw on the latest scholarship to discuss language, staging, and the world in which the plays were originally performed. A wealth of critical apparatus is provided — with more detailed notes that competing editions. In many cases the only reliable edition of a text is offered in paperback.

* Four Revenge Tragedies. The Spanish Tragedy. The Revenger's Trag­edy. The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois. The Atheist's Tragedy. With Explana­tory Notes and Glossary / Ed. with an Introduction by Katharine Eisaman Maus. — Oxford-New York, 1995.

(From the paperback: The revenge tragedy florished in Britain in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy helped to establish the popularity of the genre, and it was followed by She Revenger's Tragedy, published anonymously and ascribed first to Ciril Toumeur and then to Thomas Middleton. George Chapman's The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois and Toumeur's The Atheist's Tragedy appeared soon af­ter.

* Each of the four plays printed here defines the problems of the re­venge genre, often by exploiting its conventions in unexpected directions. All deal with fundamental moral questions about the meaning of justice and the lengths to which victimized individuals may go to obtain it, while register­ing the steins of life in a rigid but increasingly fragial hierarchy.

* Under the General Editionship of Michael Cordner of the Univer­sity of York).

* Court Masques: Jacobean and Caroline Entertainments. 1605— 1640. Ben Johnson, The Masque of Blackness (1605). Ben Johnson, Banes at a Marriage (1606). Thomas Campion, The Lord Hay's Masque (1607). Ben Johnson, The Masque of Queens (1609). Samuel Daniel, Tethys' Festival (1610). Ben Johnson, Love Restored (1612). George Chapman, The Memo­rable Masque (1613). Thomas Campion, The Caversham Entertainment (1613). Ben Johnson, The Golden Age Restored (1616). Ben Johnson, Christmas His Masque (1616). Ben Johnson, Pleasure Reconceld to Virtue (1618). Anon, The Coleorton Masque (1618). Ben Johnson, Neptune's Tri­umph for the Return of Albion (1624). Ben Johnson, Chloridia (1631). Au-relian Townshend, Tempe Restored (1632). Thomas Carew, Coelum Britan-nicum (1634). Ben Johnson, Love's Welcome at Bolsover (1634). William Davenant, Salmacida Spolia (1640). — With Acknowledgements, List of Il­lustrations, Introduction, Note on the Texts, Selected Bibliography, Se­lected Chronology of Stuart Masques, Explanatory Notes, Index of Per­formers, Glossary / Ed. with an Introduction by David Lindley. — Oxford-New York, 1995.

* Middleton Thomas. A Mad World, My Masters and other Plays.

Michaelmas Term. A Trick to Catch the Old One. No Wit, No Help Like a Woman's. With Explanatory Notes and Glossary /Ed. with an Introduction by Michael Taylor. — Oxford-New York, 1995.

* John Ford. 'Tis Pity She's a Whore and other Plays. The Lover's Melancholy. The Broken Heart. Perkin Warbeck. With Explanatory Notes and Glossary / Ed. By Marion Lomax. — Oxford-New York, 1995.

* George Farquhar. The Recruiting Officer and other Plays. The Con­stant Couple. The Twin Rivals. The Beaux' Stratagem. With Acknowledge­ments, Introduction, Note on the Texts, Selected Bibliography, A Chronol­ogy of George Farquhar, Explanatory Notes and Glossary. — Oxford-New York, 1995.

* John Webster. The Duchess of Malfi and other Plays. The White Devil. The Devil's Law-Case. A Cure for a Cuckold / Ed. with an Introduc­tion by Rene Weis. — Oxford-New York, 1996.

* John Marston. The Malcontent and other Plays. Antonio and Mellida. Antonio's Revenge or the Second Part of the History of Antonio and Mellida. The Dutch Courtesan. Sophnisba or The Wonder of Women. — With Appendix: Felice's Ballad in Antonio and Mellida (III, 2), Explana­tory Notes and Glossary / Ed. with an Introduction by Keith Sturgess. — Oxford-New York, 1997.