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Дидактичнi розробки для студентiв 4 курсу РТФ.doc
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VI. Fill in the blanks with necessary words:

Device, computers, word, processing, information, programme, knowledge

1. Computer is an electronic … that can receive a program and carry out this program by calculating numerical ...2.Students can use … for doing their homework. 3. In the office personal computers may be used for … processing, bookkeeping, storage and handling of necessary information. 4. The basic job of the computer is the … of information. 5. To operate this computer one must have special …6.The user who knows how to … and code a computer is aware its limitations and advantages over other machines.

VII. Give the definitions to the following words:

CPU; ROM; Floppy-disk; CD-ROM; Printer; Modem; Monitor; Hard disk

VIII. Which of the following statements are true or false?

1. Computer is an electronic device therefore hardware is a system of electronic devices. 2. The purpose of the input hardware is to collect data and convert it into a form suitable for computer processing.3. Scanner is used to input graphics only. 4. The purpose of output hardware is to store computer instructions. 5. Memory is the brain of the computer. 6. There are three types of computer memory: RAM, ROM and CDR. 7. The most common ways of storing data are Hard disk, floppy disk and CD-ROM.

IX. Answer the following questions:

1. What is Webster’s dictionary definition of the hardware? 2. What groups of hardware could be defined? 3. What is input hardware? What are the examples of input hardware? 4. What is mouse designed for? What is a light pen? 5. What is processing hardware? 6. What are the most common components of processing hardware? 7. What does the CPU do? 8. How many types of memory? 9. What is modem used for?

X. Retell the text. Speak about the basic parts of computer.

XI. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Predicative clauses:

1. The main property of a linear amplifier is that the gain of it is constant. 2. The problem is whether phase delay is proportional to frequency domain. 3. The main effect of an amplification is that current, voltage and capacity of an electric signal are increased. 4. The task our laboratory is working at is how we can obtain linear distortion less amplification. 5. The difficulty was whether we could decrease the presence of distortions introduced by feedback in amplifiers. 6. The aim of our test is whether we can use only part of a load line to provide small non-linear distortions. 7. The problem was whether we could carry out all necessary tests in time. 8. The question which it is necessary to clarify is that all components of the output signal are delayed by the same amount. 9. The disadvantage of the given circuit was that output resistance was higher than input resistance in the ammeter. 10. The possibility of reduction of the number of stages of a pre-amplifier is that gain of amplification of each stage must be small.

XII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Object clauses. Name the tenses:

1. We know that there exist different types of amplifiers. 2. One should remember that operating point will move because of changes in temperature or power supply levels. 3. The article reads that amplifiers can be described in the time domain. 4. The students knew that a great many amplifiers were three terminal devices. 5. The laboratory assistant said that he would demonstrate a linear amplifier. 6. The examiner asked the student if he had been present at the lecture on multistage amplifiers. 7. The lecturer stressed that an amplifier might have at least one active element in it. 8. Students asked the teacher what amplifiers were called linear. 9. The head of the laboratory reported that they were working at three terminal devices. 10. Students were told that their home task was to learn the new words from the second part of the text "Amplifiers".