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Дидактичнi розробки для студентiв 4 курсу РТФ.doc
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I. Find the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English words and word combinations:

a) inventor; coil; wave-length; transmit; carbon; telephone exchange; caller; diaphragm; instrument; according to;

b) довжина хвилі; мембрана; винахідник; виток; прилад; згідно; передавати; вугілля; телефонна станція; абонент.

II. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian word combinations:

проходити через атмосферу (повітря); у вигляді хвилі; грати на скрипці; різні ноти, пік хвилі; довжина хвилі; сила струму; перетворюватися у звук; говорити у мікрофон; сильно уплотняти; розміщувати з проміжками; змінюватися таким чином; телефона трубка; автоматично.

III. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

call, carbon, communication, connections, electro-magnet, magnetize, mouthpiece, on, transmit, vibrates

1. The telegraph and the telephone are means of ... . 2 When we want to speak to someone far away we make a telephone ... . 3. He called his friend ... the telephone. 4. The diaphragm ... when sound waves reached it. 5. Electric cur rent through a coil of wire around a piece of iron wills ... the iron. 6. The microphone in Bell's telephone was not strong enough to ... sound very far. 7. We speak into the ... of the telephone. 8. Electricity flows more easily when the .. granules are pushed together. 9. The receiver of a telephone contains an ... and a diaphragm. 10. Nowadays, ... between callers are usually made automatically at telephone exchanges.

IV. Arrange synonyms in pairs and translate them:

a) to send a message, a lot of, distance, a caller, to work to travel through the air, close to, similar, radio set;

b) a person, next to, to operate, many, space, to pass through the air, to transmit a message, the receiver, just like.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the two reasons why the telephone is a better means of communication than the telegraph? 2. Why do we make telegraph messages as short as possible? 3. How does sound pass through the air? 4. What are the differences be­tween the tops of sound waves called? 5. What happened when the diaphragm in Alexander Bell's telephone vibrated? 6. How was the U-shaped piece of iron in Bell's receiver mag­netized? 7. What does the diaphragm do to the carbon gran­ules in a modern telephone? 8. When does electricity pass more easily through the carbon granules? 9. What happens (o the sound waves of your voice when you speak into the mi­crophone? 10. Where is your telephone line connected to the line of the person you want to speak to?

VI. Translate the following definitions and memorize the terms:

Address. A means of identifying information or a location in a communication system.

Control. The methods and means of governing the perform­ance of any electric apparatus or system.

Manual. Operated by mechanical force, applied directly by personal intervention.

Telephone exchange. A system for the provision of com­munication unit of a telephone communication service in a specified area that usually embraces a city, town, or village, and its environs.