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Дидактичнi розробки для студентiв 4 курсу РТФ.doc
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Post-text exercises:

I. Find the English equivalents for the following Russian words and] word combinations:

a) апаратура; точнiсть; удосконалення; канавка; відтворююча система; голка; розділ каналів; за часовою стрілкою; проти часової стрілки; коливання; джерело; записи на пленках та дисках;

b) fidelity; refinement; clockwise; counter clock-wise; hardware configurations; software configurations; groove; source; undulation; playback system; stylus; channel separation.

II. Arrange antonyms in pairs and translate them:

a) large, minimize, left, complex, frequently, variable, benefit, equality, wide, important;

b) constant, simple, seldom, maximize, inequality, small, narrow, right, unimportant, disadvantage

III. Put the words in order:

1. A, amplitude, frequency, current, radio, has, a, of, in, constant, absence, modulation. 2. amplitude, side, modulation, band, two, produced, during, frequencies, are, also. 3. the, degree, of, of, in, an, modulation AM, is, expressed, by %ge, maximum, wave, deviation . 4. at, full, modulation, carrier, in, two, the, requires, thirds, of, the power but, conveys, no, information.

IV. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

Frequency, wave, modulation, power, frequencies,

1.A radio .......current has a constant amplitude. 2. During amplitude modulation, two side band ......are also produced.3. At full modulation the carrier in an AM signal requires two thirds of the ......but conveys no information. 4. The degree of .......in an AM wave is expressed by %ge of maximum deviation from the normal amplitude of the carrier RF wave. 5. In it the Morse key for keying out carrier continuous .... can be accommodated.

V. Complete the following sentences, using active vocabulary:

1. Amplitude Modulation (AM) is a process in which the amplitude of a …… 2. At full modulation the carrier in an AM signal requires two ……3. Power may be saved and the band occupied by an AM signal in the frequency ……4. During amplitude modulation, two side band …… 5. The amplitude modulated carrier occupies a space in frequency spectrum, the width of which is equal to …… 6. Side bands are the sum and difference frequencies produced at the transmitter by the ……

VI. Which of the following statements are true or false? If the statement is wrong, correct it:

1. Amplitude Modulation (AM) is a process in which the amplitude of a radio frequency current is made to vary and modify by impressing an audio frequency current on it. 2. This results in the carrier having three outlines of the audio signal. 3. The high power RF carrier output from the RF oscillator is amplified in this portion. 4. At full modulation the carrier in an AM signal requires one thirds of the power but conveys no information. 5. Modulator, while the audio information (voice) is impressed upon the carrier frequency.

VII. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the difference between quadrasonic and stereo music? 2. What kinds of matrix systems are known to leading hardware manufacturers? 3. What type of record groove is used in matrix quadrasonic systems? 4. Why cannot the crosstalk be eliminated without the use of elaborate circuitry? 5. What are the names of the first pure discrete systems? 6. Are there many advantages in using discrete systems? 7. In what way is it.possible to make an existing stereo amplifier suitable for quadrasonic?