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VII. Memorize the following terms:

Definition. The fidelity with which the detail of an image i is reproduced.

Noise. Unwanted disturbances superimposed upon a use- ful signal that tend to obscure its information content.

VIII. State the functions of the Infinitive and translate the sentences:

1. Specialists face many difficulties to solve the technical problems in the field of communication. 2. To communicate information of some sort must be transferred. 3. During the industrial revolution new communication techniques began to evolve. 4. To get rid of noise, specialists investigate general characteristics of noise. 5. It was decided to use "a bit" as a unit of information. 6. They are installing digital computer systems to view the results of each day's operations. 7. To obtain the necessary data was difficult. 8. The function of the transmitter is to encode the message. 9. One simple on-or-off relay is used to handle a unit information situation. 10. To measure information means to define the logarithm of the number of available choices. 11. There are many means of communication to meet the requirements of the national economy. 12. In order to meet the requirements the circuit must be assembled on the basis of current technology.

IX. Translate the sentences paying attention to the forms of the Infinitive:

1. The word "communication" to be used in a very broad sense here includes all of the procedures by which one mind may affect another. 2. All kinds of distortions of sound to be conveyed by telephone communication are called noise. 3. In the mathematical theory of communication the word "information" to be used in a special sense must not be con-fused with its ordinary usage. 4. The conference to be held in Moscow will discuss questions dealing with communication problems. 5. There are Markoff processes to be widely involved in the theory of communication. 6. The effectiveness problem must have been concerned with the demands of the design. 7. Only one information must have been given at the moment. 8. Zero and one may have been taken symbolically to represent any two choices.

X. Read the following supplementary text and translate it without a dictionary; entitle it.


Communicating has always been an important human activity. It has been responsible for the develop-ment of cultures and their evolution or downfall. Until recently, human communication techniques have been limited to the spoken and written words, sign language and forms of artwork. During the industrial revolution new communication techniques began to evolve. Telegraphs, telephones, radios, photographs, motion pictures and television have all been developed in a relatively brief period of time. Communication equipment and techniques are still being developed and improved. Although different methods of communication have been studied for many years, it has only been recently that the process of communicating itself has come under study.The study of communication process has led to a new discipline, known as "communication theory". The human elements in any communication process are a message source, a message medium and a receiver. This simplest case might be one person talking to another. The person talking is the transmitter or message source, air is the separating message medium, and the listener is the receiver. To communicate, information of some sort must be transferred. "Information" in communication theory is defined as any organized signal. It can be a series of letters, a series of picture scanning elements, etc.

A communication system that does not allow an interchange between the message source and the receiver is said to be a one-way or "simplex" communication setup. One that does allow an interchange is a two-way or "duplex" setup. Noise is an important concept in communication theory. Noise is defined in communication theory as any signal that interferes with the message being sent and is an undesired disturbance in a communication system. Radio static is a form of noise. Dirt on a camera lens is noise also.