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Дидактичнi розробки для студентiв 4 курсу РТФ.doc
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I. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English word com­binations:

change communications, real telegraph, the code is used in signaling all over the world, a long time or a short time, make a code for the whole alphabet, simplify sending messages, at great speed, the telegraph was proved to work

II. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian word combinations:

Передавати повідомлення; спростити передачу повідомлень; передавати зі швидкістю 30 слів за хвилину; після декількох невдалих спроб; кабелепрокладчик; ізолятор; прокладати кабель під водою.

III. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

cables, connect, electricity, impulses, insulation, longer, magnets, simple

1. It was discovered that ... and magnetism are connected. 2. A wire carrying an electric current can move a compass needle because they are both ... . 3. The dots and dashes used in the Morse code can be made by electric ... passing through a wire. 4. The impulse used to send a dash is ... than that used to send a dot. 5. The letters SOS are used in times of danger because they are ... letters to signal. 6. Telegraph lines ... telephone stations that are far apart. 7. ... is used to protect telegraph wires. 8. Messages are carried under the sea through telegraph ... .

IV. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1. The electric current could not be used for communications. 2. Real telegraphs were possible until it was proved that electricity and magnetism were connected. 3. Popov invented the Morse code. 4. The Morse code is not used in signaling all over the world at present. 5. The Morse code can be read at 30 words a minute or more. 6. Sea water is a good insulator.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. At what speed can messages be sent by electricity? 2. At what speed can the Morse code messages be read? 3. Give two reasons why the Morse code was so widely used. 4. What was the main problem about sending messages by telegraph under the sea? 5. Give two reasons why telegraph cables must be insulated. 6. Why is gutta-percha a good ma­terial for insulating telegraph cables?

VI. Translate the following definitions and memorize the terms:

Cable. A transmission line or a group of transmission lines mechanically assembled into a complex flexible form.

Code. A plan for representing each of a finite number of symbols as a particular arrangement or sequence of discrete conditions.

Communication. The transmission of information from one point to another by means of electromagnetic waves.

VII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of Continuous Tenses:

1. I was listening to the record at the phonetic laboratory when my friend came in and asked me to help him with the translation. 2. They are leaving for Vladivostok on Wednes­day. 3. I shall be listening to the wireless programmes in English all day tomorrow. 4. He is always making mistakes in his dictation. 5. My friend was writing the essay from 9 o'clock in the morning till one in the afternoon. 6. I am translating the text now. 7. On Thursday I shall still be work­ing on the text. 8. Now they are organizing another kind of work at their laboratory.