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Дидактичнi розробки для студентiв 4 курсу РТФ.doc
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I. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English words and word com­binations:

Consideration, do arithmetic problems, to solve a problem with lightning speed, specific application, displaying the results of calculations, to let, manual methods, being put inside, inventory, development of integrated circuits, solid-state components, reliability, print payroll checks, increase the risk of faults, stores the information in its "memory".

II. Put the words in order:

1. a, a, computer, really, very, counting, kind, is, of, specific, machine. 2. a, supplied, processes, the, computer, information. 3. limitations, of, system, human, liberate, technology, from, the, the, robots. 4. sort, data, the, computers, received. 5. give, remember, a, you, computer, can, information, it. 6. minicomputers, by, have, made, been, possible, of, the, development, circuits, integrated.7. the, input, and, devices, are, called, output, peripherals.

III. Fill in the blanks with the following words and word combinations:

Definition, precision, accuracy, continuous, behaviour, communication channel, signal, codes, meaning

It involves not only written or oral speech, music, etc., but in fact all human ... . 2. Sometimes it is desirable to use a still broader ... of communication. 3. The technical problem is concerned with the ... of transmitting communication symbols. 4. The semantic problem is connected with the ... of transmitted symbols conveying the desired meaning. 5. Telephone or radio transmission includes the transmission of one ... function of time. 6. The transmitter changes the selected message into the ... . 7. The signal is sent over the from the transmitter to the receiver. 8. In telegraphy, the transmitter ... written words into sequences of interrupted current of varying lengths. 9. Information must not be confused with ...

IV. Complete the following sentences, using active vocabulary:

1. One kind of computer can help us build a spacecraft, another kind of … 2. There are several advanta-ges in making computers as … 3. Sometimes a computer takes so much power that cooling systems which require still more … 4. Minicomputers have been made possible by the development of …

5. … made fewer mistakes and could perform the tasks much faster than almost any number of people using manual methods. 6. We used to think of a computer as a large machine with many buttons and …

V. Which of the following statements are true or false? If the statement is wrong, correct it:

1. A computer can not do arithmetic problems faster than any person alive. 2. A computer can find the answer to a very difficult and complicated problem in e few seconds. 3. The capacity of a computer memory- is the quantity of data that memory until can hold. 4. Some of the first computers cost ten dollars. 5. The bigger the computer the faster it can work. 6. Less power is required to run the computer - it is one of the disadvantages of the work of the computer. 7. A computer can built up of large numbers of similar units of this kind.